C⃨H⃨A⃨P⃨T⃨E⃨R⃨ E⃨L⃨E⃨V⃨E⃨N⃨

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⚠️Warnings: Drug use, vampires being vampires, illusions to domestic abuse⚠️

The beach was empty, only a few stragglers hanging around the shoreline.

Stepping over driftwood and a few piles of trash, I held Laddie's hand tight. This wasn't where I wanted to be but felt too exhausted to object. Dwayne hadn't spoken to me since his assault in the alleyway, but I could feel the heat of his stare lingering on me when I ventured too far.

It should worry me, the way these boys rotated around me. How they paid attention to me— it wasn't normal. There was a level of ownership in each of them that didn't bode well for my independence.

"There he is!" Paul whooped, pointing at a lone figure down by the shore. He hopped over a piece of trash as he bellowed, "Where's Davey boy?"

The figure shrugged and as I got closer, I could see the multitude of patches that indicated Marko's jacket, "Don't know. Said he had a hold up."

"A hold up? At the liquor store?" You stepped around Paul, moving carefully toward the area Marko sat at. The sand was loose and difficult to traverse, "Wait— you guys are legal, right?"

Marko watched me as I came forward, his legs spread out on a threadbare blanket in front of a sizeable firepit. He had a few boxes of food on his left and there was a six pack of beer on his right, one can already finished and tossed into the smoldering ash of the fire. I tried to ignore the way his attention lingered on my neck before his gaze briefly flashed toward Dwayne, a dark smirk denting his cheeks.

"Something like that," Paul snickered, ignoring the way he glossed past my question. He plopped down on the blanket next to Marko and with quick hands, snagged the pizza box out from under his nose. Paul raised his brows as he held a piece in the air, "Hungry, babe?"

"Laddie?" I tilted my head in Paul's direction, indicating he should snag the pizza if he wanted it.

My son didn't hesitate, hopping over a stray log from the firepit to drop down next to Marko. He reached over and grabbed the pizza with a speed I wasn't expecting, shoving half of the crust into his mouth in one fell-swoop. Paul laughed at the sight, giving my son a rough hair ruffle before snatching another piece of pizza for himself.

"Don't choke," I reminded, awkwardly looking for a space of sand to sit on, "I don't know the Heimlich."

Laddie grunted through a mouth full of food, "I'm go'd mom."

I shot him a look, the closest I'd get to saying if I say so without speaking.

Finding a solid piece of driftwood near the firepit, I tentatively sat on the log, only relaxing when it didn't budge at my weight. I didn't notice when Dwayne grabbed a piece of pizza, but I did catch it when he held that piece out to me, one dark eyebrow raised in question. I nodded my thanks, trying to hide the way my hand trembled as I took it.

Judging by Dwayne's smirk, my attempt at nonchalance failed.

Instead of acknowledging his knowing stare, I nibbled on the greasy bit of food. The pizza tasted stale in my mouth, but I was thankful for the heat it offered. I took slow bites as I stared out at the sea, vaguely listening to Laddie's and Paul's conversation. Time trailed by slowly.

While it may not be where I wanted to spend my night, I supposed it could be worse.

I could be back in Mississippi, praying to a god that never listened and hiding bruises under heavy layers of concealer. I grimaced, suddenly unable to finish my food.

It could always be worse.

Dwayne spoke from behind me, jolting me out of my thoughts, "Toss me one."

T⃨u⃨r⃨n⃨ O⃨n⃨ T⃨h⃨e⃨ N⃨i⃨g⃨h⃨t⃨  | The Lost BoysWhere stories live. Discover now