the usj incedent:final part.

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The nomu swings at Spider-Man but he dodges it and kirishima jumps towards the nomu punching it in the face.

Sero and Spider-Man tape and web the nomu's legs and sato runs up to it punching it in the stomach.

The nomu doesn't move and grabs the tape and webs throwing Spider-Man and sero away.

Uraraka runs to it from behind and touches the nomu making it float.

Kendo than jumps above it and enlarges her, she than punches it into the ground leaving a small crater.

Uraraka release the nomu since she can't hold it for long.

The nomu gets up immediately and grabs kendo throwing her into the air.

Spider-Man catches her before she hits the ground and bakugo throws and explosion at the nomu's face.

The nomu is stunned for a short while.

Spider-Man and sero use their tap and webs and sero call's out to kiri.


Kiri:"on it!"

He says pulling his fist back.

Spider-Man and sero than pull the nomu and Kiri punches him in the face making it fall to the floor backwards.

Spider-Man and the students are getting tired and they see the nomu on the floor they think they won until the nomu slowly gets back up.

They are about to charge at the nomu again until it screeches a loud high pitched noise.

They cover their ears in pain and while they are distracted the nomu charges at them.

The nomu slowly starts to knock them down one by one, leaving only sero and Spider-Man.

Spider-Man webs the nomu in the face but the nomu immediately get the web pulling Spider-Man towards him.

The nomu punched Spider-Man, making him hit the floor hard.

The nomu I about to punch Spider-Man again until sero tapes his arm.

Sero:"I won't let you..!"

The nomu pulls his arm and grabs sero's face.

Sero stars hitting his arm trying to break free, but to no avail.

The nomu than slams him into the ground leaving a crater in the ground.

Everyone is down for the count and can't get up.

Spider-Man is struggling to stand up and shigaraki sees it.

Shigaraki:"this is your final chance Spider-Man, join my league and you will live."

Shigaraki says as he pushes Spider-Man over with his leg.

He looks at Spider-Man and sees that his costume is torn and beaten.

His mask is partly destroyed, revealing only his mouth and his eye.

Spider-Man:"even if I die...I will never join the dark side..."

Shigaraki:"what a shame...nomu, kill them!"

The nomu walks to jirou who is knocked out.

Spider-Man sees this and tries to get up, only for shigaraki to stomp him down.

Shigaraki:"watch as you failed to save them!"

The nomu picked her up by the arm.


Shigaraki:"what was that?"

The nomu the grabs her by the neck and is about to snap her neck until shigaraki stops it.

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