partner in crime fighting

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Izuku is moving in his sleep on the couch.

He falls off of the couch, landing on his face first.

This immediately wakes him up and he sits up breathing heavily.

He looks around and notices he is in some sort of house.

He gets up and notices that he doesn't have anything on only a pair of pants.

He sees the blanket that is on the floor and covers himself in it.

Izuku:"hello, is someone here?"

He said to see if anyone was in the house with him.

No one answers so he assumes they aren't here.

Izuku:"I don't remember coming here..."

He walks around the house and is in the kitchen.

He goes to the fridge and sees a lot of chocolate.

Izuku:"who ever lives here really likes chocolate."

He looks in the fridge to see if there is anything else and finds a gallon of milk.

Izuku:"why was that so hard to find..?"

He says to himself as he takes it out.

Izuku:"I hope they don't mind if I get something to eat..."

He than looks around and sees a cereal box on top of the fridge.

He takes it down and places it on the table next to the milk.

He goes to the sink and notice the dishes are dirty.


He than begins to clean the dishes.

He is eating their food so he thought that he should make it up to who ever took him here.

After that he is finished and he grabs a bowl.

He pours the cereal first and the milk last.
(Only a monster would pour the milk first...)

After that he puts the cereal and milk away.

And than he eats the cereal, after that he cleans it and decides to look around a bit more.

He yawns and rubs his face.

He than realizes he doesn't have his mask.

Izuku:"oh crap, where is my mask?!"

He starts to freak out until he remembers that his identity was already revealed.


He looks around and is in a hallway he sees three rooms.

On his left there is the bathroom, it's a bit messy but he thinks he can clean it.

And on his right their are two doors.

He opens the first one and it shows a decorated room.

He looks around the room amd notices the huge mess all over the place.

He than left the room and opens the last door.

It's a room full of random things, so he assumes it's for storage.

He decides to clean the house a bit, as a thanks for helping him.

We go to the mysterious two who are returning to their home, in the forest.

??:"you think he is up?"

???:"maybe, I'm kinda nervous..."


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