A gift.

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It's been a few weeks since izuku was let out of the hospital.

His idea about the feast center became a reality as him and his mother inko, would help those who lost their home's.

Izuku struggles to do certain things now that he's missing a hand.

But even though he struggles, his mother and his girlfriends would help him when he needed it, but it doesn't mean he can't handle himself.

Right now we see izuku walking down the street.

He's going back to he UA dorms, even though he can't be a hero anymore, they are okay with him staying in the dorms.

Izuku:'that fight with rhino really messed me up but I'm glad everyone was okay.'

Izuku:'but what did he mean by not being his Spider-Man? Was their more than one? If their were how come I've never heard of them?'

As he continues to think, he hears commotion nearby.

Izuku:'what's going on over their?'

He thinks to himself as he runs over.

He arrives and sees a villain holding someone hostage.


He shouts as he forms a katana in his hand.

Villain:OR HE GETS IT!

He shouts as he puts the blade against his neck.


He pleads but it's ignores as the villain pushes the blade a bit further against his neck.

Villain:SHUT UP!

Izuku:'crap, he's gonna kill him, I gotta do something!'

He thinks to himself as he is about to intervene.


He stops himself.

Izuku:'i can't...I can't fight a villain with one hand...'

Izuku looks towards the villain and civilian and wants to help but can't.

Izuku:'what do I do..?'

He thinks to himself.

Izuku:'theirs no hero nearby...'

He thinks to himself as he looks around.

Izuku:'he'll kill him if I don't do anything...'

He sees the villain is about to kill the civilian.

Izuku:'theirs only one option!'

He thinks to himself as he runs into the battle.

Izuku:'im gonna get my butt kicked when I get back to the dorms!'

Izuku:let him go!

He says as he webs the villain in the face.

As the villain is webbed in the face, izuku runs up to the villain and punches him in the face.

The villain let's the civilian go and the civilian runs runs away from the villain.

Izuku:everyone get back!

He says as he gestures them to stay back.

Women:look it's Spider-Man!

Man:it is but isn't he missing his hand.

Women:yeah but he's still here!

Izuku:don't worry everyone, I'll protect you!

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