a day full of surprises:part 1

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We start this chapter as izuku leaves his house and runs off to school.

Izuku:"crap, crap, crap, I'm gonna be late!"

As izuku is running he sees a little boy chasing after a ball the rolled in the road.

Izuku than sees a speeding car heading towards the little boy.


Izuku webs the boy and yanks him towards izuku.

Izuku catches the boy and puts him down.

The care than passes by izuku and izuku webs the car.

Izuku:"be more careful kid!"

He says as he is pulled along with the car.

Izuku land on top of the car and crawls to the driver's side.

Izuku than knocks on the window.

Izuku:"hey could you do me a solid and pull over?!"

Izuku can see another guy in the other seat and they look drunk.

Izuku:"really, drinking and driving?"

Drunk#2:"o-oh cRap, it's SPiDer-Man!"

Drunk#1:"s-shOot hIm yOu idIOt!"


He says as he pulls out a water gun.


The drunk than shoots izuku with water and izuku just let's it hit him.


He says as grabs the driver and throws him out.

Izuku than webs him and to a light post and he leaves him hanging their for the cops.

The car swerves and flips over.

Izuku lands on the ground and catches the car.

Izuku:"holy crap this is heavy!"

He says as he struggles to keep it up.

He is able to get better footing and puts the car down.

The drunk that was in the car, gets out of the car and pulls out his water gun.

Izuku:"so when are you gonna realize your holding a water gun?"


He says as he looks at what he is holding.


Izuku just walks up to him.

Drunk#2:"S-stAy baCk!"

He shouts as he throws the water gun at izuku.

Izuku catches it and webs the guy in the face.

Izuku than sweeps the drunks legs and webs him to the floor.

Izuku:"this was one of the most weirdest crimes I have stopped."

He says as he shoots the water gun at the guy's face.

As he does this, two cop cars arrive and see izuku shooting a water gun at the drunk.

Cop#1:"thanks for stopping them Spider-Man!"

Cop#2:"in their anything we could do for you?"

Izuku:"well their is one thing you can do."


We see Setsuna who is running to UA.

Setsuna:"why didn't my phone alarm wake me!?"

As she says this a web is attached to her and she is yanked by it.

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