The battle of Kamar-Taj

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I was numb as I listened to Stephen and Wong explain the situation to the people at Kamar-taj. My own mother wanted nothing to do with me, and she was so far gone in the darkholds grasp she was even willing to murder a child.

While everyone gatherED their weapons and prepaid to fortify Kamar- Taj I sat down next to America who seemed to be deep in thought.
"America..." I touched her arm and she flinched slightly, "oh sorry." She relaxed once she realized it was me.
"No I am..." I whispered, "I thought my mom was the solution, but because we found her she knows exactly where to find you."
"It's not your fault Lorna, and I don't blame you." She said, "Wanda would've found me either way."
I sighed, "Well I'm not giving up, and I won't let her hurt you. I can still reach her. She may be corrupted by the Darkhold but she's still my mom, if she'll listen to anyone it's me."
"I hope your right." She said with a sad smile.

Just then darkness loomed on the horizon in a black cloud of smoke, there was thunder and red lighting reaching out like a parasite, turning the sky red as blood.
"She's here." I uttered in a mere whisper, and among the darkness I glimpsed a singular figure.
"Stay inside." Wong instructed me and America.
He went to stand alongside Stephen at the gates of Kamar-Taj.
From inside we watched Stephen talk to my mother. I could feel her fury, even from below.
"She won't be able to get past them, right?" America asked anxiously.
I wanted to tell it would be okay, that my mother wasn't strong enough to break through all their defences, but I knew I couldn't promise anything.
"I-" Wanda sent a blast of magic Strange's way, he was saved by the force field protecting Kamar-taj but she wasn't deterred.
The entire building rumbled as if on the edge of collapse.
I grasped for something and felt Americas fingers entwine with mine. I stared at her for a brief moment before another shake tore us apart.
"I have to go out there." I told her, "She needs to see me."
"Lorna no!" She called but it was to late.
I ran outside, at which point my mother was inside Kama-Taj.
The shield was broken and red light flooded my vision. She dove towards us as cannons fired. All over people were being blasted back by magic. Killed without mercy. I had to do something.
"MOM STOP!" I screamed. Easing my hands I created a shield of my own, stronger than any the others had made but I lacked the focus and training of the rest. My mom sent a blast my way and my magic faltered, the force field flickering like an old light bulb.
"DO NOT FIGHT ME LORNA! You won't win..."
I screamed as she broke through my sheild and sent me flying into the nearest brick wall. I landed against it with a deafening crack, and blood seeped through my hairline.
"Please don't this..." I whispered before falling unconscious.

I woke to Wong shaking me away, pulling me inside as my mother walked towards the entrance.
"Wong no!" I struggled against him, "I can reason with her."
I blasted him back with my power and rushed in front of my mom.
"Mom listen to me, if there's any part of you that's still here, let me help you. Please...I'm your daughter and I know your still there."
She tilted her head like I'd said something peculiar.
"No your not." She replied blatantly, "My daughter would know why I'm doing this."
"I do know." I rasped, "you miss dad, and your hurt and scared and all you want is your children. But this isn't the way, and killing America will only devour whatever good in you is left."
Her eyes glazed with something like longing, and for a moment I thought she'd considered my words, but the she raised a hand.
Right before she would've shot me into the cosmos Stephen appeared.
"Don't even think about." He said, pushing me aside.
"Stephen..." she mused, "always getting in my way."
"If you want the girl you'll have to through me."
"Fine." She responded pointedly, but as she stepped forward something wasn't right. The tiles beneath her twisted, into a gnarled new reality.
"She's in the mirror dimension." Stephen told me as he pulled me away, "We need to get to America while she's distracted."
"Stephen I'm sorry. I thought she'd listen to me."
I didn't realize I was crying till my vision was blurry.
"It's okay kid, this isn't your fault. Now common, she won't be stuck for long."
I dried my tears and we ran to find the other survivors .
"Lorna." America called out and ran forward when she saw me.
"What's wrong?" Her expression changed when she saw my face.
"I thought I could reason with her," I said, "but I was wrong, America im sorry." I shook my head in dismay.
"My mom doesn't even think I'm hers. But I can see now she's gone. And I won't let her take your power, even if that means fighting against her myself."
The words hurt to say but I knew I had to do it.
America wrapped her arms around me and I stood there in shock. I hadn't felt genuine compassion from anyone in such a long time I'd forgot what it felt like.
"Thank you." She whispered.
"As nice as this is we gotta get you out of here now." Stephen said.
"Kamar-taj has fallen." Wong added, "it won't be long before we go with it."

Just then there were eerie screeches in the distance and the doors all slammed shut. The screams echoed im the air and the remaining Kamar-taj soldiers fell into the ground, as though they were being dragged straight through water.
"The reflections." Strange said , "She's using the reflections. Cover them up."
We ran around and frantically tried to cover each and every reflective surface we could find, be it puddles of water, mirrors or shiny objects.
America looked into a puddle and screeched falling backwards. A mangled arm reached out of the metal gong beside her and my mother's gnarled figure made its way through. He limbs snapped back into place as she rose to her full height.
"You gave all those lives just to keep me from my children." She hissed.
"No you took those lives." Steven spat back. "You cannot be allowed to cross into the Multiverse."
"I'm not a monster Stephen. I'm a mother."
"Wanda you already have a child here, your boys are nothing more than an illusion from another reality."
"Oh but your mistaken." She snarled, "they are real. I've seen every other universe but this one. And I dream of them."
She summoned the darkhold and with it visions of our other lives. I'd seen them too, dreamt of a world we could all be together, but I knew it couldn't be so. Still, as I watched my brothers, their silly smiles, and me, living with them, my soul ached for what I could not have.
"Every night...the same dream. And every morning...the same nightmare."
The visions ended and my mother looked less like a monster and more like a mourning mother, grieving the loss of all she held dear. A single tear trickled down her cheek, a stark compassion to my now blotchy, red eyed appearance.
I felt America grip my arm tight and this time I didn't pull away.
Then another thought came to mind.
"What if you find them, mom. What will you do to the other you...their mother."
She looked on with empty eyes and no words, then I felt my stomach churn as a sick smile spread across her lips.
She moved to attack strange but he struck fist, sending magical dragon like creatures to distract her. She was momentarily occupied but it didn't take long fir her to blast them away. I watched in horror as she hovered above us, one by one brushing Stephen and Wong of like flies. I was the last to go and she lifted me into the air before doping me to the ground below America. She screeched as red magic lifted her up and pulled her towards my mom.
"America!!!" I yelled, and watched as her powers were sucked from her body.
But in her utter terror a portal opened up, exploding behind her. Stephen broke free and grabbed us both before pulling us straight through.
I caught one last glimpse of my mother before space and time bent us in every direction but home. Then there was light...

Multiverse Of Magic - sequel to Wandavision First BornWhere stories live. Discover now