Enter the Multieverse

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Falling. We were endless screaming as worlds collided and reality shattered around us. Words could not explain the realities I saw, but the feeling of oblivion could. Then as soon as it started. It stoped. We feel through the other end of Americas portal and rolled across the ground. I got straight up and hurled.
I could hear America and Stephen behind me, slightly dulled by the dizzying nausea I felt.
"Hey." Stephen helped me up, "you okay."
"Not really." I said, "But at least we're not dead."
"You saved us." America said like she couldn't believe it.
"I hope so." Strange replied, taking in our surroundings. Once I got over my dizziness it was actually quiet beautiful.
"I'm surprised you didn't puke." I said to him, eyeing my vomit on the ground.
"It's not my first weird trip, kid." He gloated, "So this is New York I'm the Multi-"
He gaged and ran over to the nearest trash can.
"There it is." America said looking disgusted.
"Ew." I muttered as he hurled like four more times.
"Crap." He groaned and his cape wiped his mouth. "Yikes," I said "your cape got pretty dinged up."
"We'll get you fixed." He told it as though it were a living thing and not just a magical cape.
"All right America. You gotta open another portal and is back there right now."
"I-I don't know how?" She said.
"You just did." His voice seeped with annoyance.
"Not on purpose." She exclaimed.
"Wong is back there alone with Wanda," Strange began to yell, "and I'm the only hope he has."
"I can't control my powers." She tried to explain.
"You must be able to control it somehow, even I could-"
"Enough!" I yelled at him.
I could see America start to retreat into herself. "It's not her fault okay, your the one who dragged us into the portal, and we wouldn't have had to go through in the first place if my crazy mom wasn't hunting her. She didn't ask for any of this, so stop being so mean."
He sighed and shook his head. "I'm sorry okay, I just..."
"You're scared I know, we all are but this isn't helping."
"Well what about this universes version of you?" He asked her more camly, "Maybe she could control her powers."
"This universe doesn't have a me." America told us, "None of them do."
"I didn't know that was possible." I said.
"How do you know?" Stephen asked.
"Cause I looked. And cause I never dream."
There was a sadness to the way she said it and I realized that however alone I felt in this universe it was nothing compared to her isolation.
Strange sighed, "That's okay kid. Even if you could get us back there. I have no way of fighting Wanda."
He went silent, and desperation hung in the air.
"What about that book you mention. Vishanti or whatever?"
"What about it?" Strange snapped.
"We'll other you thought it could stop whoever was after me." America explained.
"Ya, we'll good for other me, but he's not here. And I don't know where it is so unless there's another other me..." he paused and I looked at America.
"We need to go find..."
"Other, other me."
"Then maybe he knows how to help us." I realized, "This could actually work."

With newfound determination we set out on the Multiversal New York streets.
Everything was so green and technological. Even the stop signs worked different, which we quickly learned when Stephen almost got run over on a green light.
"We go on red here?" He asked.
"Rule number one of Multiversal travel, you don't know anything." America said.
I smirked slightly, it was funny watching her humble someone as hubris as him.
We went on red but America pulled me aside.
"Look, food."
"Awesome!" I said rushing over to a food cart with her.
"What are these?"
"Pizza balls." She told me excitedly, "There really good."
We heard Strange calling our names and ventured back.
"Rule number two," she told us, "find food."
"How did you pay for that?" Strange asked.
"It was free." She said lightly, "Foods free in most universes, actually. It's weird you guys have to pay for it."
"Hey!" The man at the pizza cart stopped us, "You didn't pay for that."
"Crap, maybe it's not free here."
"Pizza Poppa always gets paid." The angry man said.
"Alright just relax. Their kids, and they were hungry." Strange defended us.
"Relax yourself there Doctor Strange. Where'd you get this cape from anyway? Oh that fee authentic."
"Well clearly this world has their own strange."
I whispered to America.
Strange continued arguing with Pizza Poppa until he got sick of him and cast some sort spell, after that he was able to stop punching himself.
"Sick!" I said. "Wait, is it permanent."
"No." Strange replied.
"So hell stop in a few minutes?"
"About three weeks." He chuckled.

We kept walking and America told us all about the different universes she'd visited, which was over 72 in total.
Stephen stepped on some weird platform thingy and a holographic image appeared on a screen.
It showed him and some woman, probably Christine eating dinner together. I eyed America, this felt awfully person for us to be watching.
It seemed to be a happy memory, but Stephen became emotional.
"We don't have time for this." He said. But America stepped onto the memory lane platform herself.
I watched with a newfound curiosity, for some reason I wanted to know everything about her.
The memory showed what I could only assume was America when she was younger. Playing in a vibrant field full of flowers and life.
"Where is this?" I asked her.
She smiled, "Home."
Two women walked up to the younger her, "My moms." She murmured and said something in Spanish. I wish I knew the language, but there was still so much about the world I didn't know, learning languages would have to wait.

I smiled watching her memory, America and her moms all seemed so happy together, like a real family. America was caught in the memory until something startled her back to reality.
"Oh no." She gasped and young America screamed. A bee landed on her hand and in fear a portal opened behind her. Horrified I watched as her moms were sucked straight through, and America, still a child went in alone.
She stumbled of the platform with tears in her eyes.
"You know you were right. This is just a waste of time." She brushed by us and began to walk away upon realizing the vulnerability she'd showed us.
"America wait. Was, was that the first time you opened a portal."
"It doesn't matter." She said softly.
"It does matter actually." Stephen sounded more kind than usual, "You lost your parents."
"I didn't lose them I killed them." She shot back.
"Hey wait," I grasped her arm gently, "you didn't kill them, don't even think that."
"Yes I did Lorna. I opened a portal to a random, probably deadly universe with no way to escape."
"You don't know that." I told her, "And if your Moms are anything like you I'm sure they survived. I'm sure you'll meet them again someday."
Her expression softened, "You know your a lot better at the whole comfort thing than Stephen."
We all chuckled, "Thanks. And I mean it, maybe once this is all over we can look for them together."
America eyes lit up, "You, you don't have to-"
"America I want to. I know what's it's like to lose the people you love, and also, your like my first friend. Isn't that what they're for."
My heart fluttered as she hugged me, "Your the first friend I've had in a while too."
Stephen smirked and I caught it behind Americas back.
"What?" I asked.
"Oh, nothing." He shrugged, "You're just very good at comforting her."
I blushed slightly, "Ya well, it helps that I'm not an old man."
"At least I'm not a nosy teen." He bit back, but I could feel it was just friendly.
America laughed, "That makes to of us. And for the record, if I'm your first friend, then your pretty good at it."
I gave her a half smile, I wouldn't have anything to compare it too. But I could tell that I cared about America, and for the first time in my all be it short life. I felt like I might actually have someone on my side.
"Thanks, but I'm not sure I still have a hold over the whole trust thing. I mean I told you about Agatha and Westview right."
She nodded.
"That's fine, I'm not good at trusting either."
"Maybe we can learn together." I offered extending my hand. She took it and I felt a spark of energy rush through me.
But that's what having a friend was like, right. Or was I feeling something else?
I pushed the feeling away, America was my friend, just my friend. I suppose I was scared that if I felt anything more, I might not survive what was to come.
After all, my mother showed no mercy, and the fate of the Multieverse, was up to us...

Hi so I know this story probably isn't the best and that there will be a lot of spelling mistakes but I'm really bad at editing. Please let me know if there's anything you'd like to see more of in the coming chapters.
Thanks :)

Multiverse Of Magic - sequel to Wandavision First BornWhere stories live. Discover now