you got the date!

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(authors note: this is my first story on here...bear with me haha)

"alright everyone...listen up!"

Tamaki yells from the grand staircase in the ballroom, holding a tiny slip of paper between his fingertips. He's about to announce the winner for the date night with the host of their choice!

The once chatting women all fall silent but a few women begin whispering to each other excitedly. Everyone wants to be chosen...who wouldn't?

"Aaand the winner is...."

Tamaki pauses as he very slowly unfolds the slip of paper to read it. You clasp your hands together in a praying position and close your eyes in anticipation. Even if it isn't you who wins, Tamaki is so good at making the whole crowd anxious.

Tamaki removes a nearby microphone from it's stand and holds it in his opposite hand from the slip of paper. He raises the mic to his mouth...

"(Y/n) is the winner! Do we have a (y/n) here with us tonight?"

You slowly open your eyes in disbelief and glance around...all your classmates are staring at you wide-eyed and they all take a step back so Tamaki and the other hosts can spot you in the crowd.

"Ahh there you are! Now would you please come up to announce the host you would like to spend the day with my lady?~"

Your heart stars racing out of your chest as the crowd of girls in front of you part like the red sea so you can make your way up the stairs to Tamaki. On your way you can feel the jealous glares and hear the angry can't even imagine the amount of money some of these women must have paid to enter the raffle multiple times when you only entered once and won...

"Here you are my lady, please choose between the hosts here with us tonight."

Tamaki hands you the mic and you shakily take it in both hands, you glance behind Tamaki and there stands the other hosts along with Kyoya who's face is in his clip board. You then look back out to the crowd and prepare to speak.

"I choose Kyoya-senpai to spend the day with tomorrow."

Tamaki takes the mic from your hands and puts it back in it's stand. He then gets on one knee and clasps your hands in his and looks up at you teary-eyed.

"But my lady...I thought...I thought we would spend the day together?"

One of the reasons you dislike Tamaki as a host is because he's so fake. You hear a majority of the women in the crowd squeal with excitement though.

"U-uh I'm sorry senpai but you know Kyoya is my host of choice? I'm a regular after all..."

"Indeed she is, now leave her be."

You hear Kyoya speak up from behind Tamaki as he sets his clip board down and makes his way over to you.

"Let's go, we must plan out our day before tomorrow so we have plenty of time to prepare."

Kyoya kicks over Tamaki with his foot gently but it didn't take much for Tamaki to dramatically fall to the ground and start gently "crying". Kyoya then places his hand on your lower back to guide you down the stairs and to another room away from the crowd.

It's good you got away when you did because you can now hear a stampede of women marching up the stairs to tend to Tamaki and take advantage of the other hosts free time.

"That was quite the show you put on back there (y/n), even making poor Tamaki cry."

"Everyone knows Tamaki is a natural born actor...well...almost everyone."

date night with Kyoya (Nsfw)Where stories live. Discover now