The date is going...smoothly?

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After eating breakfast and enjoying the company of all the hosts, you and Kyoya leave the school and enter the limo alone and start making your way to the temple, you decide to take advantage of this moment to ask more about Kyoya because he can only say so much about his real self when your seeing him during simple host meets at the club.

"So Kyoya...the twins told me about how you entered my name in the raffle 30 times...why did you do that?"

"Was it not already clear?" He asks, crossing one leg over the other as he looks down at you. His eyes can almost peirce through your soul at times...

"Uhm...I suppose it wasn't clear..." You respond, unsure of your answer. It's not that you didn't know why he did it, you just wanted to know why you?

"It's because I like you my lady. I chose you to spend the day with because I want to know more about you. And I simply want to treat you to a day away from the club but still with me, as usual."

Hearing that made your heart flutter a little. You can't help but crack a smile knowing that Kyoya has the same feelings! And he wants to spoil you! Could the date get any better?

Your smile quickly fades though as Kyoya moves from across the limo to sit directly next to you, curious what he's doing.

He then leans over close to your ear so the chauffeur cannot hear him.

"And I want to seduce you."

You pause for a moment in disbelief...why would he just state that out loud?! And on your way to a holy temple!

" what?!"

You whisper back to him but slightly louder, a mix of confusion and embarrassment floods your face.

Kyoya pulls away from you to look at your face. He then smirks.

"You heard what I said (y/n). Like I said you could have changed whatever you wanted on our schedule and you decided not to."

"I...but what? But I didn't think? But your a host! And you already-"

Kyoya puts his finger to your lips to silence you, you stare into his eyes so you can really absorb whatever else he has to say.

"Did you really think any ordinary guest would get to meet my family, swim alone with me, and take kinbaku lessons? An average guest would at best get to meet my butlers perhaps but even that's a stretch."

Kyoya then removes his finger from your mouth, but even then you can't open your mouth to speak your so shocked...

This really wasn't what you had in mind when you wanted to get to know more about Kyoya...

"Sure all my guests adore me, that's why they are regulars of mine. I listen to them squeal and giggle and swoon over me all day. But you were not quite like that...we share the same interests, our personalities blend well together, we are attracted to each other, our families don't hate each other, and most of all I've always known you've taken a special liking to me..."


"Of course. Not just any guest comes to the host room after school hours with headache remedies for me when I've had a long day at the host club. Not to mention I'm the only host you've ever seen...most guests do a round of the other hosts at least once before they land on a favorite."

"Well that's just-"

"We have arrived." The chauffeur interrupts you and the limo comes to an abrupt halt.

Once you arrive to your destination you realize Kyoya affectively avoided telling you why he decided to just announce he was going to seduce you?? But you decide to let it go for knew Kyoya was strange but that was pretty weird of him.

The chauffeur exits the limo and walks around to open the door for you and Kyoya.

"Please enjoy your time at the Kiyomizu-dera temple."

You and Kyoya exit the limo and are greeted by a butler holding some more modest clothes for you two to change into.

"Here sir, the more appropriate clothes you requested."

"Ahh yes thank you."

You and Kyoya go your separate ways to some nearby bathrooms to change. You come out in a modest dark blue sun-dress and black flats and Kyoya comes out in a white button-down and black pants.

You both then hand the butler your old-english outfits and he puts them into the limo to store.

"I'm relieved I didn't need to wear that in the temple."

"The twins notified me at breakfast it would be a good idea for me to have a butler ready with appropriate clothes at each location we visit."

"Oh I see."

You two are then greeted by a temple priest who Kyoya hired to show you two around.

As you turn to follow the preist through the Nio-mon (entrance to the temple) Kyoya then puts his hand on your shoulder from behind you with enough force to prevent you from walking. You then feel his other hand take something out of your hair.

"You forgot to take out your bow (y/n)"

"Oh! Thank you Kyoya..."

Kyoya puts the bow in his pocket and removes his hand from your shoulder to walk beside you.

After about 30 minutes of walking around and seeing all the wings and main halls of the temple, you and Kyoya arrive at "Otawa no taki". Here you both are given a ladle by the preist from a box to catch water from the small streams made by the Otowa waterfall. This is so you two can pray for health and make wishes.

After you two do your respective three ladles worth of water to scoop and then pour back into the water you hand your ladles back to the priest who goes to return them to the box they are being kept in by the streams.

"what did you wish for?" Kyoya whispers to you.

The preist returns quickly but before you continued the tour you wanted to tell Kyoya your wish.

"I wished you were easier to understand."

Kyoya let's out a low laugh under his breath so the preist can't hear.

After you two finish your tour, the preist thanks you two for your time with a bow and shows you out of the temple and back to the Limo.

"That was one of the most beautiful temples I've ever seen Kyoya."

You two get back into the limo and begin driving to downtown Ayoma Tokyo to go shopping.

"The Kiyomizu-dera temple is known for landscaping with only the natural foliage that was already there. I rarely go to that temple because I don't have time due to how large the whole thing is...but when I do go I soak in the natural beauty."

date night with Kyoya (Nsfw)Where stories live. Discover now