Start of the date

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"hey!! Are you awake In there?!"

Your eyes rip open to the sound of one of the twins yelling outside your rub your eyes to look at the clock and it says 5am...your date with Kyoya doesn't start until 7

"I bet she's ignoring us...oh well I guess we need to break in through her window huh Kaoru?"

"That is NOT needed" you yell at them loud enough to hear through your window. You get up and forget your only wearing a baby blue silk nightgown.

"Open up the window! We came to help you get ready for the big day! We only do this event one time a year and you can't be chosen again you know?"

You open your window and immediately you feel the cold air cling to your silk gown. This causes you to retreat back into your room quickly.

"Come in but don't make a scene please my family is asleep. I need to put a bra on."

"No no I'm sure Kyoya would love if you just came like that."

"I will close the window on both of you."

You snatch a bra from your top dresser drawer and shuffle into your bathroom. In the distance you can hear the Hitachiin twins struggling to scale up to your you put your bra on under your gown you hear them bring in some sort of large bag? You consider simply climbing out your bathroom window and leaving. You know the bag is trouble...

*Thump thump thump* Kaoru bangs on your bathroom door with his fist "hey are you done yet?! Hikaru needs to get started on your hair while I fit a gown to your body."

"WHAT?! if either one of you touch me in any way that's an easy way to get a one-way ticket straight to being locked in my basement." After hearing that nonsense from Kaoru you open the bathroom door to face them.

"Oh come oonnn" the twins lean on each other's shoulder and cross their arms over their chest with a smug look on their faces.

Hikaru decides to speak up "we just want you to look phenomenal...besides, we both know how much Kyoya wanted this date with you..."

"What are you talking about?"

The twins take their eyes off you to glance at each other then back at you before Kaoru pulls 30 slips of paper from his pocket...all with your name on them.

"Wha...what? Is this a joke to you guys??"

The twins look back at each other and burst into laughter for a brief moment.

"Ooh you must not know huh?~" Kaoru coos teasingly at you as he flips over all the slips of paper to reval the official Ouran highschool host club's no joke.

"How would that even happen?! I only entered once and one raffle slip was 50,000 yen!"

Hikaru giggles before deciding to explain to you "if a host has a favorite customer, there is no rule against entering them yourself and there's no rule on how many slips you can enter..."

"Yeah, last year Tamaki-senpai tried to enter Haruhi-san but unfortunately because she's a host he couldn't do that and wasted his turn on ensuring his favorite guest go on a date with him so this year it was Kyoya-senpais turn and he entered you..."Kaoru clarifies.

"I..but...what? How is that allowed...I know he's in charge of the clubs finances but why would he do that? Couldn't he just request me? But...but-"

While you are too busy being in shock the twins take the opportunity to lunge at you and restrain both your arms, the paper slips that were in Kaorus hand fly everywhere so you can't see well enough to fight back.

date night with Kyoya (Nsfw)Where stories live. Discover now