is this paradise?

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Time skip to you and Kyoya in the limo, on your way to his family's private tropical paradise water park.

Kyoya is once again sitting beside you, but this time rather than his hand resting beside you, his arm is resting across your shoulders. You can see his relaxed hand hanging off your shoulder bounce every now and then. How did he even sneak his arm across your shoulders? Eh it doesn't matter to you. If anything you are happy in this situation.

"(Y/n) if you would like to eat before swimming please let me know. Swimming can usually make people rather hungry."

"Oh no I'll be alright. Besides we are going to eat after swimming anyhow so I'll be okay."

"I see." He says before looking down at you. You look back up at him, waiting to see what he's going to do or say.

He's... Just staring at you? His expression is so blank you can't read him. It started to feel awkward so you advert your eyes and look at the door of the limo. Right as you look away he leans over and kisses the center of your forehead. This forces you to smile and you look back up at him after he pulls away.

"Don't forget you can have anything you desire my lady, your wish is my command."

He then leans his head back against the back of the lounge style seat of the limo and stares out the window across from himself. His arm still lazily across you.

You fold your hands neatly in your lap and you look out the window with him.

A few minutes of comfortable silence later and the chauffeur slides open the dividing window to announce your arrival.

"We have arrived. Please be aware the weather is currently 70°."

"Oh my, a bit cold for swimming but we will be alright."

Kyoya says with a smile to the chauffeur before looking down at you.

The door is then opened by the bodyguard that was in the passengers seat. And right outside you see the butler holding your change of clothes.

You and Kyoya stand up and exit the limo...well more like Kyoya stands up and walks out, you need to scoop your dress up into your arms and carefully tip-toe out.

"Your clothes sir." The butler hands Kyoya a pair of simple dark purple swim trunks.

You walk up to the butler with your hands out but you close your eyes so it's a surprise what bathing suit Kyoya picked for you! You actually planned on keeping it because unlike the dresses this probably wasn't as expensive and can't be damaged easily.

"And for you ma'am..." The butler sounds hesitant but you feel him place the bathing suit into your hands. You feel it's a bikini because there's so much strings, but you can't exactly feel the cups for your boobs? You open your eyes...'s a dark purple mini bikini! Basically there's a lot of strings but not a lot to hold anything in... basically the only thing that would be heald in is your nipples if your lucky.

You grip the bathing suit with enough force to break a Nokia phone bare handed. You then slowly turn your head to look up at Kyoya.

"what in the world is this!?"

"Your bathing suit! I assumed the less cloth the better so it would be easier to swim.'

"You know damn well that's not the case you perv. Where's the backup bathing suit?"

Kyoya smiles innocently before looking over at the butler and nodding. The butler then enters the limo for a moment before he comes out with a new bathing suit that is normal size. It's also dark purple but had some black lines on it.

You trade bathing suits with the butler and he goes to put the rejected one into the limo to store.

"Look closely at the lines on that bathing suit. I had it made for you."

You look up at him "What?" You say in confusion before you look down at the bathing suit in your hands. You squint your eyes and you read..."I love Kyoya" in small black's all over the bathing suit. On the cups and on the bottoms.

"Ugh, at least it will cover me more." You shake your head and begin to walk over to the women's changing room. You're totally keeping this one.

After you get done changing with your dress and dance shoes in your hands you exit the changing room and look all around to admire the water park. You're inside a glass dome to protect everything from the elements. There's long winding lazy rivers everywhere and of course large water slides but they blend in perfectly with the natural tropical foliage. despite it all looking so nice and aesthetic you see what looks like a pool surrounded by yellow caution tape? Your curious as to what happened.

Kyoya then exits the mens dressing room with his suit and shoes in his hand and he spots you and starts walking towards you. As he's approaching you glance down to his stomach...Kyoya is quite skinny but still has defined abs, you then quickly look up at him.

"Before you ask, that's the wave pool and we have been having some complications with it. I request you don't go near it until we have fully fixed it."

"What's wrong with it?"

"Let's just say the waves swept Honey senpai very far away from the rest of the host club and we had to conduct a search party."

"Oh I see" you say before you walk over to the butler with Kyoya and hand him your clothes. Kyoya then grabs your hand and begins leading you through the park.

After walking past many slides, lazy rivers, and pools, Kyoya leads you to a very thick wall of flowering foliage and palm trees.

"Uhh, Kyoya-"

"Follow me" he says before he lets go of your hand to part the various tropical flowering bushes blocking his path and he walks through with no problem.

You part the bushes after him and Infront of you is a huge hot tub. The sound of the bubbling hot water and birds of paradise in the background is so relaxing. Your face lights up and you immediately run to get in.

"Aah~" you sigh as you sit down in the hot tub and melt. It feels so nice after running around all day.

Kyoya walks over and sits beside you. He puts his arms on the sides of the hot tub and he sighs with relief as well.

"I considered taking you to a private bathhouse but the jets in the hot tub are quite nice right?"

"Oh yes! But might I ask why this hot tub is blocked off from the rest of the park?"

"Oh it's not meant to be, we are just overdue on landscaping."

You giggle and shake your head. You then scoot closer to Kyoya to rest your head on his shoulder. Your hair must have tickled him because you feel him retract from you a little.

"Here, I would hate for your hair to get tangled anyway." Kyoya grabs you by the waist and puts you in his lap. You then feel him scoop your long hair up and he puts it into a bun for you.

"Thank you Kyoya but what did you secure it with?"

"Your white bow from earlier this morning. I kept it in my pocket. Frankly I was going to keep it."

You slide off his lap and look up at him.

"Weirdo, what were you gonna do with it? Tie your hair into a ponytail?"

"Hmm maybe. My hair wouldn't look half as good as yours does up though."

You shake your head and smile but it quickly fades.

"Wait, how did you have my bow for that long?"

"Each time I changed my clothes I made sure to put it in my new pocket so I wouldn't forget it. It helps mens bathing suits have pockets."

"Lucky" you mutter under your breath before you lean your head back and breathe in the sweet air from the flowers and enjoy Kyoyas company.

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