enjoy the show

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You and Kyoya finish getting dressed and exit the dressing room. You look all around to make sure nobody saw you exit the men's room. But unfortunately Kyoyas two bodyguards were leaning against the wall by the dressing room door. You were hoping they went back to the limo.

Kyoya walks out from behind you and looks at the bodyguards. "Please go wait in the limousine." He asks. The two bodyguards nod and walk out of the studio.

You cup your face in your hands. God that's embarrassing.

You hear Kyoya walk Infront if you and you feel his hand gently plop on the top of your head.

"Don't worry (y/n). The walls here are thick so the dance instructor won't get noise complaints from the music."

You look up at him and nod with a small smile.

"Alright! Let's get started then shall we?" You hear the dance instructor shout at you two from across the dance floor as she closes the door to her staff room. She's holding two pairs of shiny back shoes. One pair for Kyoya and one for you.

Kyoya removes his hand from your head and faces the instructor.

The dance instructor gestures with her hand for you two to come to the centre of the dance floor. You do as she says and she holds out the shoes for you and Kyoya to take.

"Kyoya called me in advance and told me your shoe size so I do hope they fit." She says with a smile.

You take the shoes from her hand and try to shove your poofy dress out of the way to slip them on. You are successful but got a brief workout from it.

"Okay! Let's start with box step dancing. This will help you two get used to moving together in unison and it's beginner friendly. Kyoya has taken a few of my classes before so he should be able to lead you." The dance instructor says with a smile.

You look up at Kyoya "you weren't joking when you said your dad accidentally booked ballroom dancing classes??"

He looks down at you to respond with a smirk "I was serious. Fortunately though ballroom dancing is enjoyable. I've just never had the pleasure of dancing with someone outside my family."

"Perfect!" The dance instructor exclaims as she claps her hands together. "face each other just like that but Kyoya place one hand on her hip and hold her hand with the other but kind of out to the side and with your elbow bent out."

Kyoya complies and you feel one hand rest on your hip and he grabs your dominant hand and holds it in his tightly.

"Okay now (y/n) just take your free hand and rest it on Kyoyas shoulder."

You comply.

"Alright now let's get moving. Watch me."

You and Kyoya turn your heads to look at her.

"What your gonna do is basically step in a box to get used to the pattern before you actually waltz. This is called a box step. What your gonna do is step to the left, then step back, then to the right, then up, and repeat. Making a box with your feet while holding each other."

She demonstrates, basically making a box with her feet like she said.

You look down despite not being able to see your feet to focus. You and Kyoya nail it the first try Despite your legs still feeling weak from earlier. You two box dance in place a few times to make sure you have it down.

"You two are doing great! Okay now onto the waltz."

You two stop dancing to watch her.

"So what your going to do now is step out with your left foot. Then your going to step to the left with your right foot and then without moving bring your left foot next to it. Then your going to step back with your right foot and then step with your left foot to the left and bring your right foot to it. Last your going to step diagonally to the upper left of the 'box' you previously made, then step diagonally to the lower left of your 'box' and then repeat. Once you get that down you will be able to dance In circles around me."

"So it's like the box step but with more steps?"

"Exactly, now watch me." The instructor demonstrates very slowly. After a few times she picks up the pace.

You and Kyoya nod and you look down at his feet to closely watch him. You start off strong but you forget to step diagonally to the upper left of your 'box' but Kyoya does. Messing you two up.

"Hey it's alright just try from the beginning. Don't forget to step diagonally to the upper left then step to the lower right and then you should be where you started off."

You look up at her and nod before you try again. This time you nail it! But you were still watching Kyoyas feet the whole time.

"Okay now this time I want you two to look at each other and try moving in a small circle around me as you dance. Think of me as the sun and you are the earth orbiting me. And please don't feel pressured to go fast at all."

You look up and nod at her before looking at Kyoya. He pulls you closer to him by your hip and he holds your hand tighter.

Without warning he just starts Waltzing. It makes you stumble at first from being caught off guard but you quickly catch up with him. After you complete one 'box' you and Kyoya take a step before making the next 'box' to slowly but surely make a circle as you dance.

"Do you trust me (y/n)?"

Kyoya says as he looks down at you still dancing.

"Depends...does it involve messing up our perfect dancing?"

"No not at all. As long as you don't mess us up that is." He coos before he lets go of your hip and suddenly raises his hand along with yours up in the air. he then twirls you while you were trying to dance. It all happened so fast but thankfully you react quickly and hop up on your tippie-toes so you twirl easier.

"Well done." He says before you stop twirling. He then puts his free hand on your lower back and he dips you so low to the ground you feel your hair laying on the floor. His face is very close to yours.

He just smiles at you before kissing your collarbone and pulling you up so your standing on your feet.

Only now you realize you and Kyoya had made a full circle around the dance instructor!

"Well done you two! Unfortunately your lesson is almost over but if you ever return we will move onto making a bigger circle as you dance and we can incorporate twirls. I must admit that was very impressive." She says with a smile.

You look up at Kyoya and jump up on him, wrapping your arms around the back of his neck forcing him to bend down to you. He was too shocked to hug back.

"I hope you know it was cruel of you to think I would mess us up. I don't wear men's size 13s." You whisper in his ear before you let go of him.

He stands up straight and can only scoff and shake his head with a smirk.

date night with Kyoya (Nsfw)Where stories live. Discover now