I'll fix it for you: 🔥

256 1 5

🔥 Nsfw tags: foreplay, slight s/a

After a while of relaxing in the hot tub, you nearly fall asleep but suddenly the jets in the hot tub are cranked up to full blast it seems. The force is so great it's pounding in on your back.

You look over at Kyoya and he looks just as confused as you are.

"Perhaps the filter was clogged and it just got unclogged? I've never been in this specific hot tub nor do I do any handy work on it but if I had to guess that's what happened."

"Well do you want me to check it out? I've never had a hot tub before but I do have a pool so the filter system must be simmilar."

You turn around and get on your knees to lean over and inspect the filter in the ground beside the hot tub. You can't get a good look so you move even closer, your head now directly above the filter and your hands on the sides of the hole in the ground it's in.

"Hm, well I don't see anything that could have clogged it floating around in there."

"Allow me to take a closer look with you."

You feel Kyoyas arms wrap around your waist and his chin rests on your right shoulder. Your waists are perfectly aligned due to him standing up on the bottom of the hot tub.

"How strange. I don't see anything either."

Kyoya is very nonchalant about the current position you both are in...no pun intended so you decide to not bring it up. Instead you focus on the hole with a filter in it you're staring into.

You feel him press against you harder probably in an attempt to make you question him.

"You make it painfully obvious you don't own a hot tub...look to your left."

As you look to your left you feel Kyoya reach his left hand over to the left corner of the hot tub and he turns a knob on the side of the tub to increase the strength of the jets. The jets are now so loud you can barely hear your thoughts.

"What did you expect? I wasn't lying when I said I only ever had a pool...what are you planning to make me do?"

Kyoya stands up and walks over directly in front on a jet. He then looks over his shoulder at you.

"Come stand in front of me."

You decide to go along with whatever the hell he's doing and you walk in front of him. There's not much space between Kyoya and the edge of the hot tub but you are now standing Infront of him with your back pressed up against his chest.

Without warning he picks you up by your legs behind your knees keeping your legs wide open.


"shhhh the jets can only drown out so much sound."

He then gets on his knees keeping your legs open in place as he legs a jet hit you full blast right on your clit. The jet is so strong you can feel It through your bikini bottoms.

Due to you being more elevated than he is because he's holding you up you feel him press his head against your back. you can't help but arch your back away from him as your legs violently twitch.

Through your gasps for air and attempt to stay quiet you shakily plead. "Wait! Wait!"

Kyoya then turns his body to the side moving you along with him so the jet is not longer hitting you. He lowers you down enough so he can rest his head on your shoulder.

"What is it?"

You can't even remember what you were going to say because you were too busy trying to catch your breath from the sudden shock.

"Ohh I see...how could I not have guessed?"

Kyoya coos into your ear before he gently sets you down so you are now standing. He then walks over to the seats built into the sides of the hot tub and sits back down now facing you.

He motions for you to come over to him with the classic "come here" motion with his index finger. His opposite arm resting beside him on the edge of the hot tub.

Due to the water you aren't too shaky when you walk over to him. Without him even having time to say what he wanted you to do you sit directly in his lap facing him with your hands resting on his shoulders. You see his eyes widen behind his glasses with shock but that only lasts a moment before he closes his eyes and smirks.

"What makes you think you're in charge here?"

He says before he looks up at you and grabs you by the waist. with the help of the water making you mostly weightless he quickly turns you so your facing away from him before setting you back down in his lap.

You then feel him lean close to your ear.

"I know you want me and not the pressurized water."

Without even giving you time to react he gently bites the side your neck. You feel his glasses press up against the back of your neck and the cold glass sends a chill down your spine.


You're abruptly cut off by him shoving three fingers in your mouth probably to muffle you. You feel his other hand gently gliding on your inner things.

"Open your legs more for me."

As you start slowly opening your legs more you feel his hand reach into your bikini bottoms and without hesitation he leans over slightly before he forcefully shoves three fingers inside of you, but he does not move his hand.

You moan loudly and bite down hard on his hand in response but he doesn't flinch at all.

"You think that's open? Wider."

In defiance you start to close your legs to see how he reacts but he impatiently wraps his ankles around yours to pull your legs open.

In annoyance he immediately starts thrusting his hand with a lot of speed and force. He doesn't need to say anything to convey he was displeased with your response.

You can barely hear him through your muffled moans but he speaks anyway.

"My orders are absolute. I feel sorry for you if you thought that was a request."

He then takes his hand out of your bikini bottoms and thrusts you up with his hips so your not directly on his lap. With his free hand he then takes his dick out so it's directly between your inner thighs.

"Close your legs around my dick."

He untangles his ankles from yours so you can comply. You gently squeeze his dick between your things as it pokes out Infront of your crotch.

He then starts thrusting and he wraps his free arm around your waist to pull you down closer.

"Wh-mph armh yoh doingh?!"

You mumble with his hand still shoved deep into your mouth.

"If you promise to be quiet I'll take my hand out."

You nod your head as he takes his hand out of your mouth, he then wraps both arms around your waist as he fucks your thighs grunting deeply between staggered breaths.

Authors note: sorry for the hiatus, writers block. Enjoy y'all's food.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28, 2022 ⏰

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