dancing into danger : 🔥

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🔥Nsfw tags: Foreplay, bondage, choking, slight s/a

The chauffeur slides open the window divider. "We have arrived." The limo is at a complete stop and the two bodyguards begin to exit the limo.

You glance down at Kyoyas crotch to make sure he's okay, and he is. You gently grasp his shoulder and shake it so he opens his eyes.

"We are here." You say to him in a soft voice as to not give him a headache. He reaches over and moves your hand down to his arm and he bends his elbow so your arms are interlocked.

"Let's go then shall we?" He stands up Wich forces you to stand up with him. The chauffeur then opens the door for you two.

Before you and Kyoya can thank the chauffeur for opening the door you two almost run into the butler holding your change of clothes. The butler is just as startled at you two were.

"O-oh I deeply apologize young master Kyoya and (y/n)..." He says before he steps aside with the two bodyguards that were standing to the side of the limo rather than in front of it like he was.

You look up at Kyoya. His blank expression doesn't change but you can feel he's irritated. Must be a newbie...he then takes his arm out of yours to grab the clothes from the butler so naturally you drop your arm down by your side.

"Here you are (y/n)-" he says as he turns to you to hand you your ball gown."this ball gown should not be as heavy as the one you wore this morning, making it optimal for dancing."

You nod and look down at the dress neatly folded in your hands. It's a bright but not blinding golden yellow with gold ribbons lined all around the dress (similar to Belles dress from beauty and the beast).

You look down at Kyoyas outfit and it seems to be a matching victorian style tux set except his is mostly black with gold details like the buttons and golden lace around his tailcoat.

"I cannot take your hand but please follow me into the studio." He says before walking up to this modern looking building in downtown Japan. The only thing that sticks out is the class hours and company logo posted in the window. You were expecting a more extravagant dancing hall but you know Kyoya didn't take you here for sight seeing.

Kyoya then turns his back to the front door and walks backwards to open it for you. You are then greeted by a very cheerful looking woman. She is tall and thin with bright red lipstick and brunette hair tied up into a neat bun. she is wearing a black leotard with a sheer black skirt over it. She is American like you!

"Ahh yes! The dressing rooms are right over there-" the woman looks over to the mens and womens dressing rooms before looking back at you. "And do not worry about your shoes, I will provide proper dancing shoes for both of you." She says with a smile before you hear a phone ring in the distance.

"Oh! Please forgive me I must get that." You watch her gently run off as to not slip on the large slick wood floor of the studio. She then flings open a door that says "staff only" beside the huge glass mirrors that cover an entire wall along with bars for balancing.

Kyoya steps beside you and looks down at you. You then look up at him.

"change with me."

"...um... what?"

Kyoya is already walking off to the mens dressing room before looking over his shoulder and down at you. Waiting for you to follow him.

You hurriedly but carefully tip-toe over to him and once you caught up he just looks away and keeps walking.

"Wait! What are you planning before we take dancing lessons? I can't go in with you!"

"Did you forget your promise already?" He looks back over his shoulder at you while walking.

"I..." You try to retaliate but you can't find the words. That doesn't matter though because Kyoya is already holding the door to the mens dressing room open for you.

Without looking up at Kyoya you slowly enter and place your ball gown on a bench by some clothes lockers. You look at Kyoya to see what he does.

Kyoya follows after and places his clothes by yours before he looks at the lockers Infront of him and begins to unbutton his shirt.

You quickly look away and glue your eyes on the locker Infront of you before you reach behind yourself and begin unzipping your dress. It falls off your body and without looking down you step out of it and pick it up. You go to open the locker to place it inside...but Kyoya walks up behind you and slams it shut making you pull your hand off the locker. keeping his hand over the locker Infront of you he takes the dress out of your hand with his free hand.

"Hmm...your in quite the situation (y/n)" he says as he leans his head down by yours.

"You know I don't like people who break their promises." He says in a teasing tone before he lifts his hand off the locker and grabs your hands to pin behind your back. He keeps them there while he uses your dress to tie your wrists together.

"Kyoya what are you doing! The dance instructor and the bodyguards will get suspicious!" You worriedly whisper to him over your shoulder.

"Our instructor will be on that call for a while and as for the gaurds they don't enter any closed doors unless I permit it beforehand." He says before flipping you around so your facing him and your back is against the lockers. He then places his hands on the lockers on each side of you so you can't escape.

"Will you be quiet now or will I need to force you?" He asks looking down at you.

"I-mmph!" He cuts you off with an aggressive kiss, making your head hit the lockers loudly. His tongue swirls around yours a few times before he stops kissing you and pulls away.

"Incorrect answer." He says before he flips you back over. He then slides one hand underneath your bra to grope you and he uses the other to cover your mouth.

"Mmmm!" You mumble in protest out of fear of being caught.

You know Kyoya understands what your trying to say but he ignores you. You feel him slide his hand out from underneath your bra and down to your underwear. He then slowly slides his hand inside your underwear to glide a finger between your lips.

"For someone arguing with me so much you are soaking (y/n)." he then rests his chin on your shoulder as he forcefully slips two fingers inside of you and starts thrusting.

You tightly close your eyes and hold your breath in attempt to not make any noise. Your legs start trembling the faster Kyoya thrusts inside you. He then removes his hand from your mouth and places it around your neck.

"Let me hear you." He demands as his hand tightens around your throat and he starts thrusting harder inside you.

The combination of his long fingers ramming inside you and his hand around your throat was driving you crazy. You had no idea how long Kyoya planned to do this for but part of you didn't want him to stop. You literally started to see stars.

"Aah! Kyoya!" You moan loudly but strained due to his hand on your throat. your legs start trembling more violently and you start losing your balance but Kyoya takes his hand out of your underwear before your legs collapse underneath you.

He releases your neck and flips you back over with a smirk. "Be aware I'm not done with you." He says before he releases your neck and he leans over to untie your hands.

Once your hands are untied he lets the dress fall to the ground and he walks back over to his locker to finish getting changed.

With your legs still slightly shaking and your face boiling, you turn around to face your locker to finish getting changed yourself but you can't help but glance over at Kyoya.

As he's slipping his shirt off he feels you staring and looks down at you without moving his head. He then smirks. "Don't look so defeated (y/n), I can't imagine what you would look like when we continue this later."

You feel your face grow even hotter. "Hmph." You say in return before looking back at your locker and proceeding to get changed.

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