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time skip to you, Kyoya, and M.r Ootori wrapping up eating and chatting. The lunch was indeed awkward but you did manage to fool M.r Ootori into thinking you and Kyoya are dating.

"Alright well I suppose you two should be going now. Again it was my pleasure to have you here (Y/n) and I do hope you visit again if I don't scare you off! Hahahaha!" M.r Ootori then stands and walks over to the side of the table you and Kyoya are on and pulls your chair out for you.

"Oh! Thank you very much." You say with a smile.

You stand up then turn to bow at M.r Ootori and he bows back but a little deeper before standing up and looking you in the eyes.

"I respect you very much for being able to put up with my incompetent son."

"Last I checked I wasn't the one who read 'ball' as 'Bali' and thought you were booking a flight to Bali when really you signed the family up for ball dancing lessons." Kyoya retaliates and then stands up and pushes his and your chair in.

"And I presume your the one who took this long to get a girlfriend when your surrounded by women all the time...and I was dating your mother a week after knowing her?"

Kyoya and his father are now slightly glaring at each other with you standing beneath the two like your not even there.

"Please excuse me M.r Ootori and Kyoya but we really must get going."

"Right! Very well...have a lovely day you two."

M.r Ootori smiles kindly at you and you smile back quickly before reaching behind him and grabbing Kyoyas hand to drag him out of the dining room.

"My my, may I ask why we are in such a hurry?"

"Nope!" You respond before letting go of Kyoyas hand and flinging open the two front doors.

All the servants that were once outside are gone besides the two other bodyguards Wich were standing in front of the front doors.

"Tachibana, please accompany me and (y/n) to our next destination. Hotta, please stay here and watch over my father."

"Yes young master Kyoya." They say in unison. The gaurd Kyoya ordered to stay walks behind you two to enter the house and as you and Kyoya start walking the one he ordered to accompany you two follows close behind to the limo.

The chauffeur exists the limo to open the door for you, Kyoya, and the bodyguard.

"Thank you." Kyoya says as he enters. He sits down and looks up at you. Confused why you haven't got in yet.

As the bodyguard is about to step in the limo you gently place your hand on his shoulder. He looks over his shoulder at you.

"Could you please sit in the front with the driver?"

"Yes Ma'am right away." He bows quickly and walks to get in the passengers seat.

You then get in the limo and the chauffeur closes the door behind you and gets in the driver's seat.

"What has gotten into you?" Kyoya asks as he looks down at you puzzled.

"Is there a problem?" You ask looking puzzled back at him.

"No...I suppose not...I just want to know what it is your planning." He says pushing up his glasses.

Crap! He's to smart! "You'll just need to wait and see~" you coo to him.

" you mind if I make a call? I need to tell the butler with our change of clothes in Ayoma to return to the house."

"Please do." You say as you close the window to divide you from the front two seats with the bodyguards.

Kyoya takes his flip phone (it's the early 2000s) out of his pocket and flips it open, He then types a number into his phone and then raises it to his ear.

"Hello?....yes this is Kyoya.....I am terribly sorry but I need you to return to the house-"

Once Kyoyas focused on talking on the phone you skillfully stand up in the moving car and face him. As he's talking on the phone he looks up at you but doesn't have time to react before you sit in his lap facing him and let your arms rest on his shoulders.

"u-uh yes... Precisely...yes please uhm please put the clothes there-"

you see his eyes are wide with shock as he desperately tries not to make eye-contact with you, an expression you never thought you would see on this man. You lean down and gently start kissing his neck opposite of where the phone is.

As your planting kisses all around his neck you move one of your hands to the back of his head and run your fingers through his hair.

You can feel his body tense up from trying his best to come across as normal over the phone, almost like he's straining.

"Yes- I've got to go now my apologies-" just as he hangs up the phone you slide off of him and back into the spot you were originally sitting and you look at him but he does not look at you.

Kyoya loudly shuts his phone and shoves it in his pocket before slowly looking over at you.

You blink in response of him acknowledging you.

Kyoya then blankly looks down at his crotch. Naturally you are confused so you look too.

Your eyes widen in disbelief...he's hard.

You slowly look back up at each other.

" definitely took me by surprise, I'll give you that."

"I needed to cook up the ultimate revenge for you making me flustered all day."

Kyoya sighs before looking away from you.

"I did say earlier I would repay you for pretending to be my girlfriend...wich you did successfully. So in return I won't be mad...but..."

He looks over at you without moving his head and he smirks.

"In return you must let me do whatever I want to you."

You didn't think Kyoya would be so aroused by that, It was just supposed to be a tiny payback, so you feel guilty.

"I'll allow it."

He looks away from you before leaning his head against the limo wall and closing his eyes.

Your eyes can't help but trail back down to his bulge. Even with black pants on you can tell he's huge...

Gah! What are you doing? You shake your head and force your eyes in front of you and you sit up straight.

"You were staring." You hear Kyoya mumble

"I was not!" You retaliate before crossing your arms.

He just chuckled in response.

"Anyway...where are we going next?" You look back at him.

"Our dance lessons... ironically ball dancing lessons."

"I'm sorry for making your balls blue."

Kyoya opens his eyes slightly to look up at you.

"Just don't let it happen again, it's quite cruel you did this to me."

You roll your eyes and smile at him.

date night with Kyoya (Nsfw)Where stories live. Discover now