Chapter 6 - Eddies' POV

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After I finish getting ready, I pace around the trailer, anxiously waiting for time to pass by. Paranoid by Black Sabbath is playing through my stereo, the bass from the drums thumps lightly throughout my room. I close my eyes and try to focus on the music. There's no need to be nervous. It's just gonna be the kids, Robin, Vickie, Steve and I. I doubt there's anything worthy of worrying about. Even if Steve ends up being in a bad mood, there are other people I can interact with. Alright. I jump up and down, shaking my arms as if I'm shaking off the nerves. I got this.

I check the clock on the wall and it reads 6:05 pm. Eh, might as well leave now. If I don't I might just stress myself into a puddle. I walk out to my van and jump in, switching on the radio and turning it up loud so I can't hear my thoughts. This is gonna be fun. I know it.

As I drive I become more and more confident and calm. I roll my eyes at my previous anxiousness, I mean, come on. It's just a bit of bowling. I take one deep breath in, then out, and park in the spot closest to the front of the building. I consider sitting in my van for a few minutes before going in, the clock on my dashboard reads 6:18. I glance around and notice Steves car parked a few spaces from mine, so I decide to just go inside since everyone else was already here. 

As soon as I walk inside, I'm met with an uproar of greetings,

"Eddie! You came!" Robin exclaims, seemingly surprised I showed up.

"Of course he did Robin, what else does he have to do on a Tuesday night?" Henderson retorted sarcastically, walking over to give me a high five. "Hey Eddie, how's it going?"

"Not too bad Henderson, I don't appreciate the slander on my name though." I chuckle as Dustin rolls his eyes, going back to the lane the group is playing at.

I focus my attention back to Robin. "Hey, where's the rest of the adults? I only see the little shits down there," I ask, slightly concerned we might be stuck babysitting if the others ditched us for some reason.

"Oh they're over there," Robin clarified, pointing in the direction of the front desk where the shoes are rented, as well as the concession stand, where Steve and Vickie were standing, "They went to buy some food for the gremlins, they're like bottomless pits." She laughs as I nod knowingly. 

"That is painfully true." I smile to myself as I watch Steve attempt to carry 6 hot dogs all by himself while Vickie tries to convince him to let her help. It's kinda cute how deeply he cares about these kids. I shake my head lightly. Cute? What am I, 12? I pretend like I didn't think that thought and turn back to Robin, "Hey, should I go over there and help or should we let Steve figure out he can't carry everything on his own?"

"As much as I would love to watch Steve fall flat on his face," Robin begins, "you should probably go help him. Vickie looks too amused to be of any help anyway."

I sigh and start walking over to where Steve is desperately trying to stack the hot dogs on top of each other so they'd all fit in his hands. As I get closer I make a tsk tsk tsk sound with my tongue.

"Stevie boy, what're you trying to accomplish here?" I tease, "Hey Vickie, Robin's askin' for ya, I can deal with this,"  I wave in the direction of Steve, who is now glaring at me. As she walks away, I creep up closer to Steve, who is still trying to stack the damn hot dogs.

"Steve. You're just gonna smush them, you're aware of this, correct?" I ask, standing authoritatively with my arms crossed.

"God Munson I almost had it before you walked over." Steve groans, placing all of the hot dogs back down on the counter.

"No, I don't think you did. I saw your whole attempt. You put in a good effort though, I'll admit that. Let me help-" I reach over to grab 3 of the hot dogs, but before I could even grab one, Steve nudges my hand away.

"No, I got it, just gimme a sec." He demands, attempting to pick them all up at once again.

"Alright, this has gone on long enough." I grab Steves wrist. "Put down the hot dogs. Let me help you." I say firmly, but gently and quietly. As I speak, I stare him down, daring him to defy me. Just as I planned, Steve immediately drops them back on the counter, staring at me with wide eyes. "Very good." I praise in the same tone. This causes a light blush to spread across Steves face. I smirk to myself and pick up the hotdogs he put down. "Alright, lets head back."I say normally while walking away, leaving Steve behind.

I'm still smiling to myself as I walk up to the group, handing Mike, El, and Henderson a hot dog. I'm used to teasing my friends, but something about the way Steve looked, wide eyed and blushing, made my mind linger on that interaction. 

"Earth to Eddie!" Henderson snaps his fingers in front of my face.

"Huh, what?" I look at him surprised.

"Jesus Christ, you zoned out for like, a whole minute. I was asking if you wanted to play in this next game? We just finished the last one and we gotta put our names on the score board again." Henderson explained with an annoyed undertone.

"Roght, yes of course, yeah I wanna play." I rub my forehead for a second. A whole minute? Thinking about Steve? Or rather, his face? My eyes widen at my sudden realization. Shit. 

(A/N - hey ya'll, hope everyones well! this is part 1 of the bowling trip, next chapter will be in Eddies pov as well. Hope you enjoy!)

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