Reborn As Error's Mom

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(??? POV)

I was laying down in my bed since tomorrow i had to wake up early for school, but for some reason I felt like if I were to fall asleep now then something would happen. Shaking away the feeling, my eyes start to shut and right when my eyes closed, I swear I saw something glowing blue but I wasn't able to check since my mind slipped into darkness.

When I awoke I didn't expect to wake up surrounded by floating pieces of land and I also didn't expect to find that my human body was now a skeleton body. Right when I saw my body and surroundings weren't the same anymore, I immediately pinched myself to see if I was dreaming and right when I felt myself get pinched I knew I wasn't dreaming.

Taking a few minutes to process that this was all real, I blankly stare at the random floating pieces of land that floated by until I heard a crying noise. Quickly turning my skull, I get up and walk towards the noise and was suprised when I saw a blanket that seemed to hold a baby? Walking towards the baby, I kneel down and gently pick them up and right when I saw the baby's face I immediately froze since the baby's face looked liked error sans from the undertale fandom.

Holding the baby bone closer, I look around cautiously only to stop when a sudden headache hit me. Hissing in slight pain, I hold the baby bone tighter so I wouldn't drop them and then I slowly lower myself to the ground until I'm sitting down. Right when I sat down the headache became worse in my skull, before the headache could become even more worse I felt a strange slight pull from where I first woke up at.

Forcing myself to get up, I shift the baby bone in my arms to a more comfortable position until I'm finally able to get up properly and walk towards where I first woke up at. Once I had made it to where I first woke up at, I could see that there was now a floating blue light hovering over where I laid before. Curiously, I approach the blue light and then reach a hand out to touch it and right when I made contact with the mysterious blue light, a sudden message filled my skull.

Message: If you are receiving this message right now than that means you were chosen to be the mother for little error here. You see, error was born in the au you are standing in now. Error was just given birth to an hour ago when the au you are standing in got destroyed by a virus. And when error was birthed he wasn't able to make a bond with either of his parents because they died right when the virus touched them and after error's parents died, the virus started to also delete his code. Luckily, I was able to stall error's code deletion and since it was now stalled I was able to grab a random soul, which was suitable to help error's code and that soul was you. By the time your new body had formed little error was halfway gone, though luckily when your new body had formed, your soul felt little error's code deleting and had protected him from the virus.

Once little error was protected from the virus, your soul sensed that some of error's DNA code was deleted and since the DNA of the parents is important, your soul went and coded in it's own code to help fix error's code. Once your code and little error's code was linked, you automatically became the mother and error your son. So congratulations, you are the new mother for little error here! Though, while you protected little error from the virus, the virus affected you a little so whenever you try to think of your old name you won't be able to remember it. So I recommend that you create a new name for yourself, afterall this is your new life now. Also please don't be mad at me for taking your soul without your consent! And please take care of little error here! Bye! - From The Void

End Of Message-

(??? POV)

After I processed all the info I received, I looked back down at the- no, MY baby bone error and hugged them close. After hugging them for a few moments I slightly moved away while thinking of a new name for myself, a few minutes later I finally thought of a name for myself. My new name will be Lapse and I am now the mother of little error here, I couldn't help but smile about how I'm a mother now and even though everything happend so quickly I didn't really mind anymore.

(An hour later-)

(Lapse POV)

It's been an hour since I have been on this medium piece of land that I woke up on and I couldn't help but become bored so I decided to see if I had magic. Raising one of my hands in front of me, I look towards a slow floating piece of land in front of me and then i focused on it until I felt power building in my palm and then without warning the piece of land I was focusing on exploded into pieces. Gasping in suprise, I quickly place my hand down and made sure to protect error who had luckily not woken up from the loud exploding noise.

Once I calmed down, I decided that I should probably practice learning magic some other time. Laying down, I pull my little error close while making sure they were safe, comfortable, and secure in my hold. Once I felt like error was fine, I started to close my eyesockets until finally I fell asleep not noticing that baby error was absorbing up my magic while sleeping.


Have a good day and night!

Sorry if the chapter is quite short, I wanna see what you guys think of the chapter first. So should I continue this new story or no?


Lapse doesn't know what they fully look like yet.

Lapse has a very huge amount of destruction magic.

Lapse has an enormous magic supply.

Lapse and baby error are outcodes.

Lapse likes different shades of purple and also enjoys watching the stars.

The reason why Lapse accepted their new life so quickly is because they're an open minded person.

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