Where Are We Now?

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(In another Multiverse-)

"Error! Your reign of terror has come to an end!" Ink shouted as they stood with their trusty broomie in hand, glaring down with red target eye lights at a battered skeleton who was struggling to get up despite all the wounds they carried. "..." Not saying anything, error glares at ink and then at all the others who stood a distance behind ink with delight as they saw that he was severely wounded. The only ones who didn't seem delighted was blue, dream, outer, and hearts, who looked at him in guilt. They wanted to do something but how does one defeat a creator who is immortal, stronger than them, and has a deity backing them?

Frowning, error sighs before meeting ink's gaze. "ʟᴇт's נusт ԍᴇт тнιs ᴅoɴᴇ wιтн. ʏou wᴀɴт мᴇ ᴅᴇᴀᴅ ᴅoɴ'т ʏou? wᴇʟʟ ɴow's тнᴇ тιмᴇ тo ᴅo ιт. ᴘʟus, ʏou'ʟʟ ʙᴇ ᴅoιɴԍ мᴇ ᴀ ғᴀvoʀ." Error said as the ones behind ink flinched slightly at how emotionless his voice sounded. Heck, even ink flinched slightly from the tone since it reminded of him when he was off his paints for too long. "Well since you asked so nicely, fine." Ink said while gaining back their composure, twirling broomie in their hand, ink starts to slam it downwards to smash error's skull in only to be stopped by a smooth black tendril stopping them by getting a tight hold on broomie.

Looking to the side, ink is met with nightmare and his gang standing behind him with anger and hate clear in their gaze as they stared at him and the others. "Oh come on, couldn't you have waited your turn?" Ink complained while harshly tugging broomie out of the tendril's grip. "Lıke hell I ɯould do thαt αnd let чou hαrm error even more!" Nightmare snarled as their eye light turned into a slit, tendrils furiously swaying behind him showing how he was currently feeling. "Well since you want to die so badly, I won't stall anymore." Ink said as they turned towards nightmare and his group, making sure to kick error to the side as a bonus just to anger nightmare and his gang and to his utter delight, it worked.

Tendrils aiming at him, ink just grinned as they dodged the sharp tendrils that had the intent to kill him. "Hey, be useful and help out will you?" Ink asked while looking at the au copies before looking at the originals that were forced to join. "Originals, make sure to not hold back." Ink said before sidestepping as a knife zipped past him. Following what he said, the copies and originals attacked the others in nightmare's gang meanwhile nightmare and ink fought one on one with each other.

As the battle raged on, error was watching the battle with despair before gritting his teeth and forcing himself to stand. He didn't want this, he didn't want his family to get hurt because of him! But as error took a step towards ink and nightmare who were battling a far distance away, his legs buckled and his body gave out. Falling to the ground, error tried to stand again only for nothing to happen. His body refused to get up and tears of frustration started to appear as he tried to stand only for it to be futile as nothing happened. Looking at the battle, error felt furious when he saw multiple copies jumping killer, dust, and horror with no rest. They were relentless with they're attacks and he could see that it was wearing them down slowly but surely.

Wanting to help in some way, error tried to use his strings only for them to fall to the ground uselessly as his magic and body were worn out to the limit. "ғuɴκ." Error cursed only to stop when he realized that his cursing was censored. Glancing to the side, error was met by fresh staring down at him with a frown. "You don't look too good error brah." Fresh said while only using their lingo at the end. "oн? ι ᴅιᴅɴ'т ɴoтιcᴇ." Error snapped back sarcastically before grunting in annoyance when his ribs creaked in pain when he tried to move. "I would try helping ya but that means breaking off the deal me and inky brah made..." Fresh said as error sighed. He knew what fresh was talking about. Ink had offered to help create him a host that wouldn't need replacing so he didn't have to keep taking others bodies. In return though, fresh was to not help error and not interfere with matters concerning him so the only thing fresh could do was keep him some company right now since ink was busy with nightmare.

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