The Misunderstanding.

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(Lapse POV)

It's been an hour since me and faultless have been in Swap's home and so far everything was going fine. Faultless had woken up earlier and was currently giggling and smiling happily as swap made silly faces at him while also playing teddy bears with him. Seeing how swap and faultless got along, it brought a smile to my face though my smile soon faded when we heard the front door open.

Turning, me and swap look to see who entered and froze when we both saw who I assumed must be swap's brother staring at us with a shocked look on his face. For a few moments everything seemed to still and was silent until swap stood up while holding faultless and broke the silence by greeting his brother.

"B-brother! I didn't expect you to come back so soon!" Swap said while staring at stretch with a nervous look. "Swap... You wanna explain who she is?" Stretch said while looking at me with a wary look not yet noticing faultless in swap's hold since his focus was on me."Well pap she is my friend! Lapse meet my brother Stretch, brother meet lapse!" Swap said while beckoning for both of us to shake hands.

Instead of doing any hand shaking though I just nodded my skull slightly at him in greeting before deciding to say something. "It's nice to meet you stretch." I said with a small smile on my face. "Likewise." Stretch said still eyeing me with wariness before landing his gaze on faultless who he just noticed was in swap's arms. Noticing faultless's familiar features he froze since it reminded him of a certain destroyer...

Turning to me stretch opened his mouth and said something that stunned me and made swap choke on air. "I didn't know the destroyer had a mate and baby bone." Stretch said while staring at me with narrowed eye sockets. "Brother! That's not the destroyer's mate or baby bone they just have similar looks! Please don't misunderstand!" Swap said while staring at me to see if I was upset about such an assumption.

"Really? Hmm... Guess that makes sense, so the kiddo must've got the looks from you then lapse?" Stretch said as he turned to me. "Well, yes." I said while staring at faultless who was currently staring at stretch with curious eyelights. "Not to be rude but who's the father then?" Stretch said with a look of curiosity. "Brother!" Swap said in a scolding manner. "What? I'm just asking." Stretch said with a shrug still looking at me for a response.

"Well-" and right when I was going to say how he didn't have a father I was distracted by swap letting out a yelp of surprise while stretch caught faultless who accidentally teleported in front of him. Right when stretch caught faultless, faultless stared at stretch for a moment before giggling happily before turning to me like he just achieved an incredible feat that should be complimented. And compliment faultless I did, "Good job faultless, you did a very good on teleporting!" I said with a smile on my face, eyelights shining with pride.

Hearing the compliment, faultless smiled happily before reaching for me from stretch's hold. Seeing that faultless wanted his mom, stretch walked over and handed faultless back to me. Holding faultless in my hold, I booped the top of his nasal and laughed slightly when I saw faultless beam happily before letting out a cute sneeze. Hearing his own sneeze, faultless eye sockets widened in surprise before his two eyelights turned into huge stars. Hearing  faultless sneeze, I internally said 'so cute' but that changed to 'too cute!' when I saw his eyelights turn into stars.

Before I could admire faultless's cuteness any longer I was snapped out of my thoughts from swap suddenly saying "My soul cannot handle the cuteness!" Before falling to the floor with one hand on his chest where his soul would be. Seeing how swap was acting I couldn't blame him, after all faultless was indeed adorable and it seems stretch couldn't handle the cuteness either seeing as he looked away while resisting the urge to look at faultless who was currently giggling at our reactions.

Smiling at faultless, I rub his skull before freezing in realization. 'wait a minute- did he inherit the ability to change his eye lights shape from me?' 'well whatever who cares, my little faultless is cute! Perhaps too cute...' I thought while staring at faultless who seemed to pout when I stopped giving him head rubs. The pout faultless did just made him look even cuter with the star shaped eyelights. Silently I vowed something in my soul 'I won't let anyone harm you and whoever dares to harm you will die by me!' I thought while staring at faultless with a protective motherly look.

'Even death itself will have to get through me if they try to harm you!' I thought while sitting back on the living room couch to place faultless on and to keep a close eye socket on him.


(Death POV)

I was working as usual, y'know reaping souls when I suddenly felt a chill go down my spine. Looking around I notice no one around and went back to work but of course that didn't change the fact that I kept feeling like I should avoid angering a certain someone unless I wanted to end up in an hospital for years.

Shuddering at the thought of having to stay in a hospital for years and how much work there would be for me if I were to recover... It made me fear for how many sleepless nights I would have because of having to catch up on work. Making a mental note to not anger whoever just gave me such a scary feeling of ending up in a hospital, I continued on with my job.

Have a good day and night!


Faultless loves compliments from people but mostly his mama.

Faultless thinks of swap and stretch as his uncles.

Faultless finds teleporting fun!

Lapse is scary when serious.

Death dislikes hospitals cause they smell weird to him.

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