Foul Mood

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(No One POV)

"Sci, is it done yet?" Nightmare calmly asked as he stared sci down. Sci on the other hand looked like he would faint from fear as nightmare stood beside him, watching his every move as he worked on the machine nightmare had 'kindly' requested for him to build.

"No, not yet- but it'll be done soon!" Sci said as he turned and frantically waved his hands in front of himself as nightmare's gaze sharpened in displeasure. "Tomorrow, it should be done by tomorrow!" Sci quickly said as beads of magic sweat dripped down his skull. Silently staring at sci, a tense silence fell over before nightmare let out a sigh and turned away, a goopy black portal opening up.

"It better be done by tomorrow as you said sci." Nightmare warned before stepping through the portal, silently shutting close as a wave of negativity hit sci, causing him to stagger as a feeling of nausea came over him. "Urgh-" sci said as he put a hand to his mouth as he resisted the urge to puke, soul beating crazy, and body shaking as his emotions slowly started to ease as the wave of negativity started to disappear.

"Why me?" Sci mumbled before shakily walking over to his desk to sit down on his chair. "I need a nap." Sci said to himself before he went limp against his chair, sleep taking over as an exhausted look was portrayed on his face.


(Lapse POV)

"Da!" Faultless suddenly squealed out excitedly as he looked down at his scarf. "Da? You mean dad?" I questioned in confusion as I stared at Faultless. "Sweety, who's da?" I questioned as faultless just pointed at his scarf, earning a chuckle from me. "Faultless, your scarf isn't your dad" I said with amusement shining in my eye lights. Fiercely shaking his skull at me, Faultless pointed at his scarf again while repeatedly chanting 'da' at it.

Giving up on understanding, I just pat faultless on the skull before picking him up along with his scarf. "How about we go visit error?" I suggested as I started walking back to the base. Clinging to their scarf, Faultless just aimlessly nodded as they instead chose to cuddle their scarf with a happy smile, little 'da' mumbles coming from them as they started to doze off.


"It was just one vase!" Killer shrieked as he ran from a less than pleased nightmare. "Stay still so I can throw you into a wall." Nightmare said as his tendrils twitched behind him, reflecting how he was feeling. Usually, nightmare wouldn't be this irritated by one vase breaking and would instead send them on a mission as punishment but today he felt...violent. Everything just felt like it was against him. He couldn't even see his child yet and these idiots were acting as well- idiots. And that irritated him greatly. How was he to ever bring his child here with these idiots being literal dangers to not just themselves but others?

Capturing killer in one of his tendrils, nightmare threw him out one of the windows, forgetting they were currently on the third floor. Screaming like a banshee, killer was about to hit the ground as he tried to use his magic only to remember he spent it all sparring with dust and was the whole reason he went to bother nightmare since his magic hadn't replenished yet and he was bored.

About to hit the ground, killer could only think about how much it was gonna hurt and how long he would be stuck in bed healing but before he hit the ground like he thought he would, he was suddenly caught by no other than cross. "Oh- cross! I knew you loved me!" Killer said with a grin, internally letting out a sigh of relief of not having any broken bones. "..." Not answering, cross immediately dropped killer who let out a yelp as he hit the ground.

"Hey! What gives?" Killer complained as he stood up as cross just stared at him before shaking his skull at him, a muffled sigh sounding from him. "Your an idiot." Cross said before turning around and heading inside while killer gasped in fake hurt as he chased after cross. "Am not!" Killer exclaimed as cross responded "Am too".

Going back and forth, the two head into the living area to see horror sitting on the ground with a bucket of popcorn, watching a random horror movie. "Where's dust?" Cross questioned as horror glanced at them before pointing upwards in the direction of dust's room. "Resting.Upstairs." horror said before looking back at his movie. Nodding, cross headed upstairs while killer moved to sit beside horror.

"Anyone die yet?" Killer questioned as horror nodded. Grinning, killer leaned against horror as he joined in watching and eating popcorn. Temporarily forgetting about how he was thrown out the window by nightmare.

Have a awesome day and night!


Nightmare is not in the greatest of moods.

Dust may be an idiot sometimes but not that much to the point where he wouldn't notice the sour mood nightmare was in.

Sci is getting the sleep he deserves.

Killer is cheering for the murderer in the horror movie and laughing like a maniac when the people die.

Horror is silently enjoying the horror movie.

Dust is resting in his room since he was tired from sparring killer and because he wanted to avoid nightmare's wrath.

Cross is going to see how dust is doing before heading to his own room. He knows when nightmare is in a foul mood to not irritate him. Unlike killer for example...

Faultless wants his dad.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 15 ⏰

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