Call me Ink!...Or not?

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(Lapse POV)

It's been about 3 hours and swap and me have finally finished scolding ink who looked like he was gonna cry from being tied down to a chair, being scolded by his friend and me, plus Chara who was glaring at ink and faultless who stuck his tongue out at ink with a triumph look, most likely happy that he got revenge for getting a cut on his cheek. Luckily, the cut healed 5 minutes into scolding ink and so for the rest of the hours faultless has just been watching as we went off at Ink, satisfied that the ink blob was getting a good scolding from both his uncle and mama, faultless went to sleep on the couch with his teddy bear in his arms.

"Finally, I'm free!" Ink exclaimed as he got out of the chair once swap untied him. "Unfortunately." I respond bluntly as I stared at ink with a warning glare to which ink responded with a nervous laugh before swap intervened by popping up in front of me, blocking ink from my view. "Lapse, How About You Take Faultless To His Room?" Swap suggests, making sure not to speak too loud unless he wanted to disturb faultless who was taking a nap. "...Fine." I respond after taking a moment to think about if i should take broomie with me, to which I did.

Immediately ink went to complain about how the paint brush was his and that I shouldn't touch it since I wouldn't be able to carry it, only to be shocked when I picked up broomie with ease. Broomie now in one hand, I carefully grab the sleeping faultless with the other before heading upstairs, a still shocked ink being left behind, and swap who was shaking ink to snap him out of his shock.

(Chara POV)

'An Idiot, I believe that's what he is' is what I thought as I stared at this ink guy who was still staring where lapse went. What's so impressive and shocking about picking up a paint brush anyways? Besides it being way bigger than your average paint brush, it doesn't look special in any way. What does that ink guy even use that paintbrush for? To fly on it like a witch? Is he perhaps a wizard and the huge paintbrush is his magic wand or staff? So many questions and no one to answer them, unless...

Staring at this ink guy, I grin as I think about all the questions I can think of to ask. Now you see I'm usually wary around strangers but seeing this ink guy just gave me the urge to pester him until he becomes overwhelmed. Oh well, no need to think about it. Time to annoy this ink guy! While Chara went off to annoy ink, frisk was watching with a proud look.

(Meanwhile with lapse-)

(Lapse POV)

After I made it upstairs and into the room where I slept with my little faultless, I carefully laid him down into his cradle before covering him up in his blankets. After I was sure everything was fine, I turned away and was about to walk away from the crib when I felt a little hand touch mine. Startled, I look back and smile softly when I see that it was faultless who unconsciously grabbed my hand in his sleep, most likely sensing that I was leaving.

"Don't worry faultless, mama will be back soon so don't worry alright?" I say softly while watching as faultless unconsciously let go with a calm look on his little face. "Now then, downstairs I go." I say softly to myself before heading out of the room, making sure to leave the door slightly cracked open. After I headed down the stairs, I was bewildered but also amused with the scene I was met with and had the slight urge to laugh.

Right in front of me, ink was curled up in a ball while looking like he was holding himself back from whacking chara, meanwhile chara was overwhelming ink with questions, some of the questions not even making sense. Chuckling quietly at the scene, I watch as swap records everything from the kitchen area with an amused look. Noticing me, swap waved at me before beckoning me to be quiet and not reveal myself. Why? Obviously because he wanted to watch as ink suffered from chara's random ass questions.

Staying silent and not revealing myself, me and swap watch the two. Sometimes we both had the urge to laugh whenever ink responded with comments like "stay away from me you chocolate demon!" Or "I don't know! Now stop asking me these questions!" To which Chara responded by just asking more questions, leaving ink to quietly sob in misery.

Least to say me and swap were amused but stopped chara before ink actually did start crying. When we intervened, I could see clear relief in ink's face as he immediately bolted from chara to hide behind me. Watching swap deal with Chara for a moment, I then turn my attention to ink who stared at me for a moment before looking at his paint brush I still had in my hand. "Um, can I have broomie back?" Ink asked while looking up at me.

"...depends. You mind introducing yourself first?" I say while holding 'broomie' close to me. "Oh, I knew I was forgetting something! Well my name is ink nice to meet you." Ink said, introducing himself with a smile. "Ink huh?...My name is lapse, it's a pleasure to meet you." I say before handing ink broomie back. "Pleasure is all mine." Ink says while happily going to grab broomie, only to reach thin air. In confusion, Ink looked at me while wondering why I pulled away broomie. "Before I give you broomie back though, is it all right if I give you a nickname?" I ask while watching as Ink's face went from confusion to excitement.

"A nickname? Sure, No one's ever given me a nickname before!...well besides error's insult nicknames for me." Ink said happily, voice lowering to a mumble when he talked about error calling him nickname's that were meant to be insults and not actually nicknames. "Quill." I say to which ink immediately snaps his skull up to look at me in confusion before pointing at himself. Nodding at Ink, I watch as his face brightens in delight like a child who just got candy. "Thank You! Thank you! thank you!" Ink repeatedly says as he excitedly hops around like a child high on sugar. "Thank you? But I only gave you a nickname?" I say with amusement that soon turned into sympathy when I hear Ink's response.

"Well, your the first to actually give me a nickname I like! Plus it's not a nickname insult so I'm glad!" Ink- no, Quill says happily, not noticing swap looking at him with a concerned look. "I see, well your welcome quill." I say while smiling as quill perked up happily when I said his nickname. While watching quill celebrate his new nickname, I threw him broomie which he immediately caught before swiping his brush towards the floor, a Inky portal opening up. "I'll see you guys later! I gotta go tell dream I got a nickname!" Quill says happily as he jumps into the portal with a goodbye wave, the inky portal closing up as he enters through.

Once ink left, everything went quite before Chara spoke up. "Can we still make tacos?" Chara asked as she looked towards the kitchen. "Huh? Oh! Of Course, We Shall Do So Right Now!" Swap says, switching his attention from where his friend disappeared to the kitchen. Grabbing chara's hand, swap takes them over to the kitchen to start over with the tacos. While they did that, I decided to clean up the messy paint splotches, random bone attacks, and burnt ground that ink and swap left behind outside when they were 'fighting'.

Looking at the mess outside, I sighed knowing this was gonna take awhile. Oh well, it's not like I have anything else to do right now anyways.

Have a lovely day and night!


Ink loves his nickname.

Ink is a happy skeleton.

Lapse will spare ink unless they do something stupid.

Swap and Chara are making the tacos!

Faultless is currently dreaming about how ink was getting chased by swap with a hammer. While faultless didn't really understand what was going on, he found it funny and was giggling time to time in his sleep.

Now that I think about it...I never listed the heights of everyone huh? Here you all go!


Lapse: 6ft

Swap: 5,6ft

Ink/Quill: 4,3ft

Chara: 5ft

Faultless: About 1ft.

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