Always Watching

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(No one POV)

The Fearsome Destroyer Of World's, someone that everyone feared was currently staring blankly at the picture on the screen that his enemy, ink had oh so delicately shoved in his face as he was destroying an au. In the picture was a female skeleton that looked similar to him in a way with the tear marks and bone color but what really caught his attention was what the female was holding, a baby bone that looked like him. Seeing the child, error goes to demand what this picture is before ink cut him off.

"This is Lapse and Faultless. Faultless is a cute little mini you except he's also a little sly like a fox sometimes. I think he takes after you in that." Ink said while watching as error stares at him before looking at the picture again and then with no warning, the great destroyer of worlds, crashed. A long beep sounding out in the destroyed au as the creator and protector of au's grinned at his enemy's reaction. Meanwhile in the distance, watching in the shadows was an amused looking negativity guardian, phone held out as they recorded the scene from a distance.

(Some time later-)

(Nightmare POV)

'Something was going to happen to faultless, I could feel it but what can I do? Perhaps a little gift may help? I have a feeling I won't be able to see the little one for a long time so hopefully my gift will help them.' is what I thought as I stared at Faultless who was currently playing near a river in their dream. It's a shame, I wanted them to stay a little longer but perhaps it's for the best. From what I heard, error is on a search for faultless and the mother of the child, why? Well because he wanted to see for himself if there was actually a mini him and to demand where they came from since ink wasn't giving him any answers.

Did you know? Error was crashed for a whole day before coming back to reality and it was amusing seeing error deny that the picture was real to himself in the anti-void. He kept talking to himself and then would yell at the voices he could only hear in the anti-void while cursing ink out whenever he got the chance. It's been a week since that crashing incident and error hasn't destroyed a lot of au's which is good for me since he kept destroying some of the au's I get my negativity sources from.

Humming to myself, I stare at Faultless as my mind dismisses any thoughts about what happened during this week. 'Let's just focus on the child for today.' I thought as I scooped up Faultless in my tendrils, earning a surprised squeak from them. Letting out a low chuckle, I watch as they pout at me for not letting them play near the stream before watching as they retaliate by biting down on my tendril like if doing that would make me let go.

Staring at them in amusement, I bring them closer and watch as they immediately reach out to cup my face in they're little hands. Patting my face, they smile at me before nuzzling they're skull in the crook of my neck while purring happily. Not saying anything, I let a small smile cross over my face before freezing when I feel the little one's magic trying to absorb mine. While I didn't exactly have a problem with magic feeding the child, Faultless wasn't mine and it would be rude to feed someone's child without they're permission. But at the same time, Faultless doesn't have a father or magic donor to feed them they're magic so what else can I do but feed them myself?

Sending magic to the baby bone, they immediately start feeding on my magic as they cling to me. A louder purr escaping them as they're soul hummed in content at being fed. Holding the child close as they ate, I ponder on what I should gift the child. 'Perhaps a necklace? A bracelet? Or a crown?' I thought as I skimmed through what I should give the child while gently rubbing they're skull. Leaning into my touch, Faultless purrs happily before continuing on feeding on my magic, a drowsy smile on they're face as they started to get full from the magic feeding.

Not saying anything, I shift them into a more comfortable position, earning a sleepy muffled complaint from Faultless. Staring at Faultless, I grin as an idea on what they're gift should be came in mind. "A scarf should be a nice gift." I say aloud while watching as Faultless jolts up slightly when he hears my voice rumble from my chest. Looking up at me with confused sleepy eye lights, they watch as I teleport a deep blue scarf that had stars on it into one of my tendrils hold. Humming, I coat the scarf with my magic, a calm feeling surrounding it with protective intent in it.

Satisfied with the gift, I wrap it around Faultless's tiny body and smirk in amusement at seeing how it was more like a blanket for them right now. Faultless seemed to realize this too from the pout they had on. "Don't worry, it'll fit you as you grow older. Plus, it just means you have an extra blanket for now until it fits you." I say as I pat Faultless on the skull. Pout disappearing, Faultless seems to accept what I say before bringing the scarf closer and cuddling into it as they nuzzle back into the crook of my neck.

Soon falling asleep, one would see the guardian of negativity smiling down at the little being in his hold. A fond look in they're eye light as they hum a tune that he used to sing for dream whenever dream had a night terror or a bad day. Mind lost in past memories, nightmare continued to hum his tune as Faultless slept.

(Meanwhile somewhere else-)

"Hey dream!" Ink called to they're friend who looked out of it. "Yes ink?" Dream asked, snapping out of whatever trance they were in. "We're you listening to anything I just said?" Ink asks with a pout as dream gave ink an apologetic look. "I'm afraid I was lost in thought." Dream admits as they get that calm feeling they got whenever they heard they're brother's tune. Dream didn't get why he felt like this though, he couldn't even hear his brother singing nor did he think his brother even remembered that song, it's been years after all. And yet for some reason, he had a nagging feeling that his brother was indeed singing that old tune and just the thought of his brother still humming that comforting tune left a reminiscing smile appearing on dream's face.


Have a lovely day and night!

Y'know what's weird? I say I'll be off and won't update much but here I am updating as much as I can. I feel proud about that for some reason.


Faultless now has a scarf!

Harm Faultless and nightmare is coming for you.

Nightmare wonders if his brother still likes tea.

Faultless has deemed nightmare his favorite guardian.

(Quill wants a hug) Give Quill a hug?

Lapse senses Faultless being fed magic but doesn't know who's feeding him which is confusing her since she's holding Faultless in her arms and there is no one near her besides stretch who is currently dozing off on the couch as swap does his royal guard job.

Lapse is more confused, she had put Faultless in his crib to grab something to drink but when she came back and looked in the crib, Faultless had a scarf wrapped around him like a blanket.

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