Strings affects

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Eye sockets narrowing, I use my magic to safely teleport error to a safe piece of land while still facing the now genocidal possessed frisk in front of me. Going into a fighting stance, I bring my strings out again and for a moment me and the possessed frisk stared at each other until suddenly with no hesitation, we both attacked each other with the intent to kill the other.

(Lapse POV)

Dodging and attacking, that's what I have been doing for the past 5 minutes and in those 5 minutes I realized something, I was way more faster and powerful than the Controlled Frisk and I could easily kill them but I wanted to test out my new attacks so I decided to keep the Controlled Frisk alive and yes, I know that it is quite a cruel thing to do but I wanted to test my magic even if it means toying around with this Player that possessed this Frisk.

Ducking downwards from another knife attack, I use my strings that are still on my fingertips and make them glow a dangerous purple and then made them strike towards the player who tried to dodge only to fail and scream in pain when the strings started to burn into them. Seeing as the strings I was using, was able to burn the opponent and not me, I was satisfied with the result of this string type. Now it was time to test the other types of string attacks I could do, tying the player into my normal strings, I change five of my strings into different types of glows which contained different attacks for my opponent aka the player.

The player, who saw what I was doing, immediately paled and panicked while trying to look for a way out. Trying to rip through my strings with their knives, they kept trying though doing so didn't help them escape in any way. And so while the player was trying to rip apart my strings, I made my strings strike out one by one towards the player so I could see the effects the strings had on them.

(10 minutes later-)

(Lapse POV)

Interesting... It seems my strings can have 5 different effects that can be useful against an enemy. The strings had these type of effects: paralysis, sleep, burn, poison, hallucinations. And while it's good I finally found out the effects of my strings, I still needed to get back to error after all it's been 15 minutes already and they might be crying if I don't get there sooner.

Hearing a groan of pain, I quickly snap out of my thoughts and look down at the player who weakly attempted to get up. Frowning, I summon a sharp bone attack and decided to finally let this player out of their misery. Striking my sharp bone attack downwards, the only thing you could hear was a loud snap and then a tiny quiet 'thank you' from the frisk and then everything went quiet.

Eye lights softening at the frisk's last words, I sigh while feeling a little guilty since the frisk probably just got control over their body when they felt the pain of their soul snapping. Pushing the guilt away, I teleport over to where I teleported baby error and was relieved when I saw that they were still asleep. Smiling, I gently pick them up with a loving motherly look while holding them close.

Sitting on a patch of grass that I spotted nearby, I sit down while letting out a slight yawn. Pulling baby error close, I start to nod off and fall asleep until finally my eye sockets shut close to sleep.

Have a good day and night!

Don't worry, I haven't forgotten about this story and sorry that it's quite short.


Once baby error is 1 years old, Lapse and baby error will be taken to another multiverse. Which one? You'll found out soon enough! ^_^

Question: In the next chapter should I do a time skip to when baby error is finally a year old?

The reason why the controlled frisk was easy to defeat is because both the player and the frisk's code was badly damaged. If the frisk and the player's code wasn't badly damaged, then Lapse would kinda struggle with them but would end up winning anyways.

Also Fate will probably be neutral.

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