Chapter One

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News flash…. A Korean Air Airbus A440 flight from Incheon International Airport departed at 6 a.m. and crashed at 11:00 a.m. This plane was scheduled to take off in the United States of America.”

“Good morning tae…” I yawn as I walk to the kitchen. “Good morning hyung! Oh right! Jin-hyung I have to go my school starts in 20 minutes bye! Love you!” “Okay, bye! Be careful love you!” I said as I ate my toasted bread and made my way upstairs for a short shower…..

Hello! By the way, my name is Kim Seokjin, and I’m 29 years old. I’m a chef and the owner of a simple but lovely restaurant in Seoul, South Korea… We are known for creating delicious yet affordable meals. My younger brother, Kim Taehyung, is 20 years old and is presently pursuing a fine arts degree at Seoul National University.



I walk down stairs, going in our living room the T.V is still on so I switch it off. After eating my breakfast I headed outside with a sigh “Let’s go Jin!” I sigh again as I walk outside with my cherished camera dangling from my neck, snapping a quick photo of a beautiful butterfly fluttering towards a flower “What a beautiful creature!” I exclaim.


“Ring~” I came to a halt in front of an old shop, my heart racing for no apparent reason, but I entered as if I’m hypnotized. “Welcome young man! How may I assist you?” I flinch “ah um… I-I’m” I stammer, she smiles and says “It is okay and I do think you will like this…” she grabs a small box and opens it, I gasp “Wow… It’s beautiful” I saw a simple yet beautiful silver bracelet, and her eyes twinkle “Beautiful right? You can have it” I almost choked “W-what? Why?” “You can have it, you said it’s beautiful you can have it” “but…” “No it’s yours, think this as a gift” and she gently reach for my wrist and put it on “Look it suits you well” I smiles while blushing “Thank you very much” “No problem” she wink I awkwardly smiled and wave a good bye to her  “That’s strange…” I muttered.


I hum as I walk down the street “ouch!” I collide with a stranger in black jacket “I’m sorry” the stranger replies as I resume my walk, but I gasp and come to a halt, I can hear my own heartbeat, which is pumping so rapidly… I clench my chest and fiercely turn my head in the direction of the stranger, “Where are you?” I whisper, the street is so crowded that I can’t see the stranger, but I didn’t give up… I don’t know why I can’t stop my own feet… My eyes widen as I see… him, he is also out of breath like me and is drench in sweat, means he’s also looking for me?  “Hi!” “Hi!” We both said in unison a blush crept in my cheeks and he chuckle, my face turn more red in embarrassment “Um...” I started “I’m Jin, Kim Seokjin” I said and smiles “Hi Jin, I’m Jungkook… Jeon Jungkook” he smiles a bunny smile, I look away from his eyes he’s making me shy. We shake hands and realized we both have a matching bracelets “Oh…” “What a coincidence” he voice out my thoughts.



“I don’t know why but… I feel like I have to talk with him… to find him without even knowing who he is, just like how I get this bracelet” they both thought…

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