Chapter five

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(The next day…)

“Tick tock… tick tock~ One, two, three, four, five, six, seven…” someone whisper… Jin keeps on tossing and turning while still unconscious “Stop him! stop him!” Cold sweat dripping down his forehead making him shiver “Jin… STOP HIM!” he woke up struggling to steady his breathing “what was that?”



“Good morning Mr. Kim you are late” Jungkook said with a stern voice “ah um…” I fidget and few moments later he chuckled “I’m just kidding, let’s go hyung” he smiles and I smiled too his smile was infectious… “oh who is he?” “he is so pretty” “oh gosh I think they are dating” people  murmurs I blush in embarrassment, why do I have to hear that “Um may I get your attention for a moment?” the chatters stop, other staffs stop doing their works as I tug Jungkook’s sleeve and hide my face to his back “hey what are you doing?” “shh” he politely smiles, stand tall and speak with confidence  “Good morning everyone! I hope you are having a good day, and this is Kim Seokjin my temporary p.a.” gasps and disbelief faces was in our sight as expected, Jungkook mentioned he never ever had a personal assistant saying he doesn’t need it anyways, and besides he is not a celebrity I agree with him but personal assistant can actually help him a lot when he’s at work, specially with his unhealthy eating schedule.


(Few hours later…)

Now I’m in his office bored as hell, I’m not doing anything at all, Jungkook rarely averted his attention from his computer. When I was dozing off Jungkook exclaimed “Lets go hyung!” “ahhh!” I shriek and my butt hit the floor “aw! Jungkook!” he snicker “sorry hyung…” he muttered and offer me his hand, I stare at his hand it was big, his wrist was veiny… “Hyung!” I flinch “what?” “hyung I’m trying to help you but you space out instead of accepting my hand” I’m flustered “Um y-yeah” I reach out into his hand and as expected it feels so rough but smooth at the same time, I feel warm again.


(Time skipped)

“Hyung!” seven boys shouted in unison, they’re must be BTS…


“Jungkook-hyung who is he?” jk asked tilting his head aw my ahem favorite dongsaeng, forget I said that. Jk is the youngest one of them, we have the same nickname by the way. I patted his head “He is my boyfriend ah! I mean my personal assistant!” I panicked what the heck is going on!? Am I insane!? I franticly looking for Jin-hyung’s reaction, his face was red as tomato “oh is hyung flirting with his hyung?” V the innocent one butted in, at the age of eighteen he is still naive, I glare at him trying to hide my embarrassment, he flinch  “um… Jimin said it's called flirting!” he pointed at Jimin. Jimin his best friend, one of the trouble maker, him, V and Jk are considered as the trouble maker of the group. “Hey! Stop it you guys!” Jin the oldest of the group yelled, sometimes he reminds me of Jin-hyung, I guess same name same traits… I chuckled “Okay guys listen up!” Rm said and the other boys immediately shut up, good. “Um… I’m sorry for the “Immature” attitude of my groupmates” he sternly eyed each maknae line, I chuckled “Ah no no it’s okay” I genuinely smiled.


The door slams open “Guys! Let’s practice! Oh… ah! I’m sorry hyung!” he bow rapidly, he is J-hope the main dancer of the group, this kid was so talented he can easily mastered every dance moves I teach “it’s okay J-hope, I’m going to teach you the final steps…” “Wait where is suga?” I asked them they looked at the left side and there he was sleeping peacefully at the corner. “Hyung don’t think that he is slacking!” J-hope started being defensive “… he is working overnight to produce his album” I sigh “Did I say he is lazy?” they shook their heads.



Aw they look so adorable, it felt good seeing the interaction between him and his dongsaeng, he looks like a father scolding his children, I can’t help but to let a small giggles “Hyung did you just giggled?” I hit his shoulder “no I did not” I pout a small blush crept into my face “oh… they are flirting” V said sounding convinced “We are not!” we denied. Moments later suga speak “Did I missed something?” they burst out laughing, I sigh this kids



“okay okay! Attention everyone!” they stopped laughing and form a line, I face Jin-hyung “Hyung you can sit there...” I pointed towards the chair “while I’m teaching them” he pouted I smiled “Hyung don’t worry you’re not going to get bored, I’ll make sure of that” his eyes widen “How…” I chuckle “Ssh... hyung this will not take long, they are talented I’m sure they will get it in a blink of an eye” “Okay let’s eat after” his eyes twinkled, food is life I can’t blame him though I nodded he smiled… and looking so cute he is cute as hell, shit Jungkook. I shook those thoughts...


“U-umm let’s begin!” their new single “Blood sweat and tears started playing in the background, my mind quickly absorbed the music and the steps comes naturally to me…



Holy… my gosh! he looks so… no what are you thinking Jin!? Okay, He is so amazing! I know Jungkook was a choreographer but… he should be an idol! with his striking moves I’m sure he’ll get a lot of attention. Soon after, the seven boys started copying his dance moves, after a short break J-hope was the one leading them now.


“Great job guys!” they clapped and yelled “WE ARE HUNGRY!” I join too and my stomach grumbles “someone’s hungry” I rolled my eyes “obviously” he laughed.

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