Chapter seven

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When I open the door I see Jin-hyung in front of my computer "Jin-hyung? What are you doing?" his eyes widen fear in his eyes, why? I immediately walked towards my table and when I open it angered filled out my eyes, this can't be! All my tracks are all gone! I needed to submit it tomorrow.... "What the fuck hyung!" I exclaimed he flinch, I don't know what I'm doing anymore all I could think was all my hard work, the countless times I recreates the songs, polishing them, the songs I produced are all gone! I'm so mad! "What are you thinking hyung!?" he tremble "I...I-I'm sorry..." he whispered "Sorry!? your sorry can't bring back the files!" he just hang his head low "Get out of my sight!" I shouted his eyes widen so was mine, why did I say that!? "I-I'm so sorry Jungkook-ah..." he softly said and open the door with trembling hands "I fuck up!" I slam my fist in my table.



I quickly enter the nearest restroom and start crying inside. "It hurts," I say with a crack in my voice. I keep sobbing. His words are like a knife that pierce my heart since he is so close to me, this is the first time we have fought like this, and... I know I am at fault but it just hurts me too much. My wrist is aching as well, and I look at my wrist and notice my bracelet as my skin turns red "My bracelet isn't at all constricting." I pondered.



"I'm sorry, Hyung," I say as I wash my face and glance in the mirror. As I reach for my towel, I notice tears streaming down my face. I began to feel sorry about everything, and my heart grew heavy. As jin-hyung exits a restroom I exclaimed "Hyung!" he flinches and stops, but he continues to walk nonetheless. "Don't go," I murmurs.



My tears are flowing once more; awful! Since I usually ride in Jungkook's car, I made the decision to take the bus this time. "Jin, you are not like this, he doesn't want to have you around, just go away from his sight," I told myself as I pouted. One guy pushes me as I'm about to enter so he can go first, which causes me to lose my balance and I close my eyes tightly. "Are you alright?" I heard a voice say, "Hey! " and I looked down to see two strong arms holding me firmly in place. "You better watch your way!" he yelled to the other guy.

"Jungkook!? I scramble to get away from him, and when I do, he gives me a hurt look and says, "Hyung, just let me take you home, the bus is already gone and the last ride, It is full you'll be uncomfortable." I nodded.


Right now, there is an awkward silence. "Hyung? He shattered it, "What? "I'm sorry for shouting and saying things that I didn't mean to hurt you so badly, I crossed the line... I'm sorry hyung," he said as he stopped the car and softly caressed my face. I grinned and said, "Jungkook-ah, look at me." He obeyed. "It's alright, I accept your apologies." He gives me a bunny grin and says "Thank you, Hyung!" He tightly embraces me and kisses the top of my head. My heart began to race, so I broke the hug and gave him the look that my mother gives me before she gives me a lecture. "And it is alright to be mad Jungkook, but next time count ten seconds before you speak." I rolled my eyes, he chuckled and replies, "Yes mom," giving a soldier salute; I chuckled and hit his shoulder, "Let's go, I'm feeling famished." I pouted, and he squished my cheek, "Okay, beautiful." I just ignored what he said, looking outside, where I'm feeling happy at the moment.

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