Chapter eight

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“Um, hyung, we’re here,” he says, and I look at him and say, “Oh right.” I didn’t realize that we were already in my spot, so I unbuckled my seatbelt and was about to open the door when Jungkook grabbed my hand and said, “Hyung.” I winced and said, “What?” as my heart nearly burst when I saw his face so close to mine. I turned my head away, “Let's eat tomorrow” he said, and I smiled and responded, "Okay, what time?" He replied, "How about 11 in the morning?" and I nodded.



Jin was awakened by a voice saying, “You will regret it,” in his dream. He was gasping for air and said, “That’s unusual, I’m thirsty..” He went downstairs to the kitchen and opened their refrigerator to get some water.



I suddenly felt a stinging ache in my wrist, “ouch,” which caused me to drop the water glass I was carrying. “Why is this aching?” I pondered. A few seconds later, I heard quick footfall approaching. “Hyung! What happened?” I almost hit my younger brother  “Don’t scare me like that!” Tae scratched his head. And he said with concern, “I’m sorry Hyung, but what happened to you I just heard a shattered glass so I immediately came here.” “I’m fine Tae, and don’t overthink.” I immediately said since I knew my brother would say I thought you saw some intruder or I saw ghost or something, he sighed, “Thank god, I thought you’re in danger.” I smiled warmly, “No I’m not.” I keep saying with a smile that I'm so lucky to have him as my brother.  "Hey! stop looking at me like that hyung, you look creepy," I smack his head, "just sleep already, I'm going to clean this first," and he gave me the okay sign and said, "Good night, hyung." I laughed. I cleaned the floor and went upstairs to sleep again.


But before I could fall asleep, my phone vibrated. "ugh! Who would message  me at this hour?"  I slackly take my phone and open it,
I smiled when Jungkook said, “Good night, Hyung! Don’t forget our lunch tomorrow,” and I quickly retorted, “Good night, too! I will not forget it.” “He must be working until now,” I thought, my grin faded  as I realized that tomorrow is the last day before he returns to the US, which is why he invited me to dinner.  It's bothering me a lot; I feel like I don’t want him to go, I feel like crying…


(The next day…)

I heard Jungkook say, “Hyung! Over here,” and I smiled along with him. “Hyung I already ordered for us, is it okay with you?” “Yes don’t worry, I know that you already know what I liked,” he replied. “Of course” I noticed Jungkook was a little fidgety and appeared nervous. Was he trying to hide something from me? After lunch, Jungkook said he was free all day and that he wanted to spend more time with me. I exclaimed, “Look! It’s so cute,” and Jungkook laughed.  “Just like you,” a tiny blush appeared on my cheeks. I averted my eyes and said, “Stop joking,” while laughing. “Well I’m not,” and my heart began to beat faster. “If you’re not, then bring me that plushie,” I urged and he smugly said, “Game.”


It’s been a while since Jungkook attempted to insert a rabbit plushie into the claw machine, and it is so adorable.  I pretend to be sorry when I say, “You can give up Jungkook,” and then I snicker when he misses again. He looks at me and says, “No, why would I give when I can buy this whole damn thing?” making me blush and fear because I know he’ll do as he says, “Don’t do that!” he chuckled.  “Well,  I don’t get that plushie, I’ll probably get this machine instead.” I close my eyes in hopes that he will get it because I don’t want a complete box of crap toys in our home; I only want that adorable rabbit, which makes me think of someone, and I said as I looked at him. “Here!”  I grinned broadly and gave him a warm hug.  “Yes! Finally.”  When I realized he was simply standing there like a statue, I stopped hugging him and said  “Oh sorry,” He grinned nervously and took my hand, saying, "Let's go hyung, I'll give you a ride." 


When we got to the car, I made the decision to turn on the radio. When Sugar Rush Ride By TXT started playing, I shrieked. “Oh, you like them too?” I gladly nodded. “Than me?” I nodded. “Okay” I turned off the radio. “Ah wait!” I panic again. “Of course I like you more!” he just pouted. I whine, “Jungkook-ah,” and he stops the car and looks at me, “W-what?” He’s making me anxious, and Jungkook said “Hyung,” and he hugs me. “Why?”  he breaks the hug and says, “Nothing, I’m just going to miss you,” and then it dawns on me that today is the last day he’ll be in Seoul. “Jin-hyung don’t cry,” he says firmly as he hugs me once more. “Just… “ I touch my face and feel tears running down my cheeks. “Don’t worry hyung” he sniffs he is crying too “It hurts,” I sobbed. “Where?” he asked worriedly as I touched my chest. “Here… my heart hurts.” He reached out for my hand and placed it on his chest as well, saying, “Mine too.” He looked at me with firm resolve, saying, “I will return, Hyung. Trust me.” “Okay,” I murmured as I gave him a tight embrace.

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