Chapter ten

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I miss Jin oppa ಥ⁠_⁠ಥ
I miss Bts....


“News flash…. A Korean Air Airbus A440 flight from Incheon International Airport departed at 6 a.m. and crashed at 11:00 a.m. This plane was scheduled to take off in the United States of America. And no one is believed to have survived. The following list are the passengers in the said flight... " 

I felt as though I was dreaming when I saw Jungkook's name on the list, "H-hyung?" I remain silent  because of the shock. This can't be true, can it? Tae cried out in pain, "Hyung! Please say anything," but I was speechless, as if my body had completely shut down.
"Hyung..." Tae grips me firmly and I realize that this is the reality and Jungkook won't return. I start to cry. "No... Tae! let's call in there, he's not dead tae," I sobbed. "Hyung... no one survived." I shook my head. I clutch Tae as if my life depended on it. "No... he said he will come back." I mutter.


After crying for hours, I felt numb once more. Tae said, "Take a rest, Hyung; if you need anything, just call me." I didn't respond, he sighed, and shut my door. I stared into space and then at my bracelet, realizing the words were fading. I sat down and looked at it again; the words were barely visible, Strange. When I stare at it, I feel hypnotized and my vision started to blur... 


( 2021 Monday January 11)

“News flash…. A Korean Air Airbus A440 flight from Incheon International Airport departed at 6 a.m. and crashed at 11:00 a.m. This plane was scheduled to take off in the United States of America.”

“Good morning tae…” I yawn as I walk to the kitchen. “Good morning hyung! Oh right! Jin-hyung I have to go my school starts in 20 minutes bye! Love you!” “Okay, bye! Be careful love you!” I said as I ate my toasted bread and made my way upstairs for a short shower…..


(2020 Monday December 28)

I exhale, thinking, "Finally tae got into his dream school, my hard work truly paid off." Then, I noticed a billboard on the roadside that read, "Write whatever you want to have and everything you want to say." That's so ridiculous, I turn around, but I stopped and thought, "That might be fun to try." I went over and picked up some paper and started writing.

"My business is going well, and my brother is doing well in school, but I want to experience just once in my life a romance, to experience what it felt to love someone."  I sigh with satisfaction. "Just put it in here young guy," he says, causing me to jump and exclaim, "You scare me, mister!" putting my palm to my chest dramatically. He chuckled, saying, "Hmm... I like your aura," and I smiled and said, "Thank you, ah I have to leave, see you next time mister," he nods and waves at me.


I turn back and gasp, "Aishhh... I forgot my gloves!" I slam into a stranger. "I'm sorry," he says, continuing to walk. I stare at him and think he looks attractive. I also notice his silver bracelet, which is modest and beautiful.

(Present time.)

My back hurt and I woke up drenched in cold sweat, thinking, "That's Jungkook, I've seen him before." I looked around and realized I was in front of that old shop, so I quickly got to my feet and ran inside, calling out, "Hello!?" but no one responded. "Please! Just let me see him again!" I pleaded. "Just bring him back" I heard a child say, "Young guy," and when I asked him who he was and showed me his one blue eye, he chuckled and I understood that the elderly lady, the man, and this kid all had eye patches on for the same reason—that their eye were blue.

"I'm sure you're aware of what was happening, and it was only a one time Seokjin." I wince. "But... Why? I'm still bewildered," he sighs.
"I give you what you want, and it just so happens that the other pair of bracelet is given to him. That bracelet makes the time both of you are in sync, and that is why you two meet, but actually it's been a year when Jungkook dies. The Jungkook you meet is the time he is still alive. He got the bracelet before you. He died on January 11, 2021, the same day you received the bracelet."

I place my hands on my head and cry out, "This is driving me mad." " Please I only want to see him once." I sobbed and knelt in front of him pleading to let me see Jungkook again "Okay just once, I'm sorry if I have the capacity to make him live again, I would do it but that's his fate, I can't do anything about it." I gratefully replied, "Thank you! thank you."


My eyes widened, "Jin-hyung?" I embraced him tightly, "Jungkook!" I sobbed, "Jungkook, I'm sorry I couldn't save you," and he kissed my forehead and patted my head, saying, "It's okay, hyung, don't blame yourself; that's my fate, and I have to accept it. Don't worry, hyung, you'll forget about me, so you will stop suffering here" he said, placing his hand on my heart.

Once he had given me a hug and said, "I love you, Hyung," he turned around and said, "See you in another life." I started crying and said, "Jungkook!" He looked at me again and I said, "I love you too! " He came over and for the first time we had our first kiss. He sadly smiled then he walked again, and he was gone. "Please just let me go with him! " I reached for his hand, and he gently caressed my face and whispered, "You will not remember a single thing." his blue eye sparks.



"I saw an old shop," I said, continuing to walk, "ouch!" "I'm sorry," a stranger said, "it's okay," I responded, "Wait..." I stopped. "Is this yours?" he asked as he approached me. I stared at him because he looked so attractive. He smirk and I looked down embarrassed "Um... yes, that's mine," he said and handed me the bracelet. I then noticed he had the same bracelet as mine. "What a coincidence," we said in unison as we chuckled. "Hello, I'm Kim Seokjin"  "and I'm Jeon Jungkook," he says with a pleasant smile. 

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