Chapter nine

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"Tae, where are you?" I ask. "I'm sorry, hyung, but I can't come with you; our professor just assigned us a job that will due later, and I'm still here at my classmate's apartment. Just go alone hyung, I'm sure Jungkook hyung is waiting for you." I sigh and say, "Okay okay, I have to go," I don't feel well.
My phone rang, "Hyung where are you?" and as I held it to my ear, my fingers began to tremble. Why do I feel this way? It appeared as though a negative event was about to occur.
"Jungkook-ah" I gently whispered, "Hmm? what it is hyung?" My pulse beat quickly, but the cause was different. I felt anxious, the sort of anxious that something was about to happen, "Hyung? you're still there?" I was losing track of time, and all I could hear was my own beating. "Hyung?" It jolts me out of my thoughts. "Um, I'm sorry I-I didn't hear what you were talking about." He chuckled "Okay, Hyung. Just come here at the airport, I'm waiting." A tear rolled down my cheek, "Okay, bye," I had to rush and I touched my bracelet and thought, "I don't want him to leave; I just know it."


I yank at my hair in frustration, "Mister, is there any other route that is not backed up in traffic?" he shrugged, "I'm sorry young man, yes there is, but we can't turn to the other side, we're stuck in here." "I'm really in a hurry," I said, "my phone vibrates, "Hyung where are you?" Ah, right! I have to tell him not to go! I started to type my reply. "Jungkook don't go please. I know this is so out of the blue, but I have this feeling that you won't come back, just stay here." I tap send, but nothing happens. There is no service on my sim, and the radio starts playing. "There's a sudden problem in the tower of XXX which causes the temporarily no signal for five hours," the radio announces. "This won't do." I slouch my back at the chair.



"Where he was?" I decided to call Hyung's phone and ask, but there was no service, so I sighed.

"All travelers who made reservations for flight A440 to the United States of America are now eligible to board. Please head straight for gate 3. The last checks are being made, and in about five minutes the captain will give the order to close the aircraft's doors. Once more, For all passengers, this is the last boarding call. Thank you."

I began to drag my luggage along as I sighed, "I guess I'm not going to see him for the last time." I then paused, looked around, I sadly grinned and said, "Good bye Korea, good bye hyung."



I looked at the time (5:40 a.m. on Monday, January 9, 2023) and said, "Thank you, mister." I had to hurry cause Jungkook have been waiting for me, so I quickened my speed. I must conceal from security since I appear like a mad man sprinting through the airport. "Where is he?" I bowed down and sobbed, "I didn't even say goodbye."


After I collected myself, I made the decision to return home. "What's wrong with me? It's not like he won't come here again," I scoffed, "I'm over exaggerating this thing." "Hyung?" he called, "Jungkook?" I turned around, "Jungkook?" he smiled. I ran towards him and threw my arms around his neck, saying, "Thank goodness! I thought you already left." He broke the hug and pinch my cheek. "Of course I'm going to wait for you, and it's almost time hyung, I have to leave," he forced a smile, and when I smiled back, it was also forced. "Jungkook..." He looked at me with a lovely face and as if he were pleading with me for something, and I had no idea what it was, so I looked down. "Have a safe flight and..." I faced him and forced a smile. "Give me a souvenir" I jokingly demanded, making him laugh along with me. "Okay, Hyung," he replied softly as he took my hand and entwined it with his, making my heart leap with joy. "I will return soon hyung, and I want you to know that you are really special to me." I look at Jungkook with teary eyes and a sad smile, saying, "Okay Jungkook-ah I will wait for you." When Jungkook turned away and walked to the gate to board his flight, I started to cry again. "Don't go," I whispered as I tried to reach out for his retreating figure.


(Few hours later)

My phone vibrated as I was getting ready for supper. "Finally the service is back," ("Jin-hyung don't worry, and don't overwork yourself, and remain safe, I'll be back and, I will miss you. sent 5:20 a.m.") I longingly glance at our photo on my home screen "I miss you already" I snicker as I type my response to "I shall miss you too, and don't forget my gift." Tae yelled, "Hyung! Look!" from upstairs as I was in the kitchen, "What is it?" and I saw a news flash on the screen of his phone as he handed it to me, looking terrified....

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