Chapter three

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So um.. I'm back, I'm finally okay for now, my plan was to make ten chapters so it's a bit rush, so this story was meant to be short, but I hope this will turn out well so yeah happy reading! (ᵔᴥᵔ)



After that wonderful lunch in Jeon's place, we immediately became close friends but sadly we rarely meet since he's working every single day except weekends and Monday and not to mention I'm a chef too I have my own business to run, we are talking through video calls, text, social media anything that can keep us updated with our own separated lives, I forgot to mention Jungkook is a choreographer and producer, he is currently living in US but he have to stay here in seoul in few months, his first intention was to visit his family but he said he is inform by his boss that he is promoted and what's more exciting!? He was a new choreographer and producer in JJhit Entertainment, the biggest and most successful entertainment company here in South Korea! Even though he is working in the company which is established here in South Korea, he still needs to go to US and work in there too. He is on demand! "Earth to Jin" I snap from my thoughts "You okay there hyung?" a concern look written on his face "Jungkook I'm fine" I chuckle "I'm just thinking" he grin "Hmm..." he cutely munch his cookies but it seems like he hasn't eaten for a whole week "Jungkook slow down..." he's not bothered a bit so I snatch the cookies from him "hyung!" he glare at me how rude "Jungkook you have to slow down okay?" I empathize "Mianhae" he pouted "I'm hungry hyung and... I've been..." I look questionably to him, and I realized "Don't tell me you are working so hard and forgot eating anything!?" he guilty nodded his head I sigh "Jungkook-ah I know you are passionate about making music and dance moves, but... you are risking your health here" I sternly said he sigh "Hyung... I know but it's my own fault I want everything to be perfect, but promise I will not skip any meals anymore" he flash me a cheeky smile, I feel warm inside "Okay fine" I take a sip from my coffee and sigh "um... by the way Jungkook who is the new group you're producing for? I'm really curious about your work tell me anything you wanted me to know" his smile grew wide "you know me well hyung, you know how much I love talking about my work" I chuckle "of course it's been like three months since we became friends" he grin "Right so... BTS the group I'm producing "with" they are an amazing group, bts consist of seven members, they only debuted last year but they are so determine to produce their own sound" he smile lovingly you can see in his eyes how impressed he was with the seven boys "I can see myself in them" right I have to ask him, this thought keeps on bothering me for awhile and I don't know why "Jungkook why was your day off were only for weekends and Monday?" he shake his shoulder off "My boss keeps on changing my schedule back then, so I'm not even surprise, and specially now they are expecting me to do my very best " I nodded with understanding "beep~" (11:00 a.m. Monday 28 March) "It's eleven a.m. I have to go Jin-hyung" my mood turn gloomy "Okay..." he hug me I know by the look he showed he can see through me "Jungkook-ah" I pouted he squeeze my cheeks and smile warmly, I blush "Don't worry hyung next Monday, but you can come with us this weekend" he suggested "Jungkook it's embarrassing and it's the days only for your family, and besides I have to help tae with his project" he sigh "okay hyung, next Monday?" "Next Monday" I agreed and we bid good byes with each other.


I know I shouldn't feeling this way but for the past few months I've been having this kind of thoughts about Jungkook, I always wonder how it would feel if I our lips... ugh! Stop Jin!, Jungkook! Jungkook! Jungkook! my thoughts are always Jungkook! I'm going insane "Jin!" I jump from my sit "You are spacing out again are you really okay?" "uh... I'm okay soojin no need to worry I didn't sleep well last night" I forced my smile "Okay I will not bother you anymore, I have to serve this chef!" I chuckle and grin.


Gosh I'm so tired I think I'm going to have muscle cramps, I stretch my arms "ring!~" "yah! Gosh it was only my phone silly"


"Jin-hyung! I have my day off we can finally spend more time to hang out!" My smile grew "Really!? Come here Jungkook! I will make a special dish for you" "Okay hyung!" I giggled happily


"Hmmm... cook for him, cook for him..." "Jin!" "ahhhhh!" I shriek away and heard Jungkook laughing his ass off "You!" I cross my arms I started to chase him, yes you heard me a full grown man like me chasing another grown man without shame, but who cares I grab his left ear "aw hyung stop it hurts!" "no I won't" he laughed again "I'm sorry hyung but... you hahahaha so cute" I let him go and turn away from him hoping to hide my red face "I still have to cook, why didn't you said you are almost here" I said while preparing the ingredients my back was still facing him "no need to hyung..." he stop my hand from moving "I have my plans" he whisper I'm starting to blush again "w-what do you mean?" he chuckle and hold my hand and run outside...


It starts to rain but he doesn't care he even fasten his pace dragging me along not letting my hand go, I want to protest but seeing his genuine smile I can't help but to smile too, feeling his tight grip I can't help but to run with him too. He laughed without caring about everyone, and I unconsciously laugh and giggles with him, running, we keep on running not knowing where we are but I know one thing for sure... I know that I don't want this to stop, I want to feel his strong embrace and to embrace this strange feelings.

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