Chapter six

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(Few days after...)

"Please stop crying... please stop, why are you crying?" Jin keeps on tossing he is drenched from his massive sweating, "No don't!" Jin woke up from his sleep "huh? Why?..." he touch his cheek and hot tears keeps on rolling down into his face "why am I crying?" he wonder and continue his interrupted sleep, he can't remember his dream. One question was bugging him at daytime "What kind of dream do I have that I literally cried so much?"


(Time skipped...)

I forced my body to move even though I'm so tired "I didn't sleep well I guess" "Hey! Hyung!" his face dropped "Hyung why are you so pale? Are you feeling okay?" he asked with concern in his voice "Yeah I-I'm ok-" I couldn't finish my sentence when my vision turn black "HYUNG!" the last thing I heard was Jungkook muffled voice.


I slowly opened and blink my eyes I saw a white ceiling "Jin-hyung what are you feeling now?" I heard Jungkook voice "Um... water" I asked as he obligingly do what I asked for "Here" "Jungkook why am I here?" I flinch when he flick my forehead "ow! What is your problem?!" "You pass out dummy, you didn't eat do you?" I turn my gaze down and nodded "see? so what happened to "You shouldn't skip any meals Jungkook, food is life bla" eh?" he said mimicking my voice and he's so terrible at it! "ugh! So annoying! Okay okay I'm wrong and I'm sorry" I lowered my head down Jungkook gently put his finger at my chin, as a result my eyes meets his beautiful brown eyes "Don't you dare faint in front of me again, you are making me worried sick about you" he sternly said I nodded I can't utter a word I'm mesmerized by the annoyed but concern look of his face "I have to go to the restroom" I nodded but before he could leave I winced in pain my wrist hurts, we both realized that our bracelets intertwined "ashh I'm sorry hyung! I didn't notice" he cautiously untied it making sure that I'm not in pain "here almost done" I look closer at our intertwined bracelets at first glance, you can't see it clearly but if you look closely you can see a word, in mine it says "I'm only yours" and when I check for jungkook it says... "You are mine" I'm so shocked, No no it must be an coincidence, there's nothing more about it, yes we happened to buy a matching bracelets, I convince myself. "Hyung it's strange, look at the words" he noticed it too "Right, perhaps we happened to buy the same pairings" he nodded and smiled I blush a little "you are right and... I really need to go" he said like a dying goat and that said he dash outside...


"beep~" his phone buzzed let me take a peek, no it's not your phone Jin but what if it's important? "Right I'm not doing any crime okay, I'm just checking if it's important" I grab his phone and read the message I chuckled (Your out of data for more...) it's not important silly (2021) huh? his

"Hyung?" I immediately put his phone down "huh?" "Did you see my phone?" I sigh in relief "um yes... here you left it here" he sigh "I'm so dumb" I chuckled. I remembered (January 07, 2021) he set it wrongly what's up with this guy? I grin in disbelief, he's intelligence was incredible yet he do some dumb things but it's cute... um wait assh whatever.


(Time skipped)

"Where is he?" "hyung I'm sorry I'm late" I smack his head "what was that for?" "for being late let's go" while we are walking I shiver "why it's freezing now? it's not even a winter season" I heard him murmur something "what?" "ah I'm saying you are not wearing your gloves dummy, it was still freezing out here you forgot we're in South Korea and the time now was not helping at all" I pouted and checked the time (6:00 am January 08, 2023) "ugh fine! I admit I forgot wearing my gloves because... I was excited to see you" I murmurs the last part "what? Say the last part again I couldn't hear you" my face heated up

After a long awkward silence he speaks "here" he extended his hand I stare at his hand back to his face confusion written on my face, he sigh but I see his lips form a little smile I blush even more. "Hold my hand" I didn't notice he removed his one glove and put it on my left hand, I hide my face using my arm "hyung?" ugh I'm so embarrassed "hyung?" I grab his hand and fasten my pace....

"slow down hyung" my heart skips a beat when he intertwined our hands, now it's not only our bracelets intertwined but our own bare hands too "ugh! This is so embarrassing!" I slap my mouth and Jungkook just laughed more, what a great start of my day "stop making fun of me!" he ruffles my hair and smiled....


(Time skipped) (In JJhit Entertainment)

After we drink, chatted and chill out in the coffee shop, me and Jungkook arrived at the company...


Few hours after we arrived Jungkook asked me to make some coffee for him "Hello Jin" I jumped "oh hey Jessica" I put a small amount of sugar, I ignored her and resumed to my task... I don't know but I'm not feeling good around her... it's like I dislike her ugh Jin you are being judgmental.


"Um... Jin?" I hum "hmm?" "Can you give this to Jungkook?" she handed me a piece of paper with her number written on it, I huff in annoyance of course I didn't show it. I noticed her Korean accent was not that good, she's a foreigner after all. "No" I blurted, her mouth hang low "Excuse me?" I ignored her and headed towards Jungkook studio


"Jungkook? Oh he's not here" I sigh and carefully put the cup down, his computer was still open this is amazing, I want to listen. I click and click "Wow" "woah!" "Nice" he produce it well I enjoyed every sound tracks "hmm..." I clicked something and then the computer shut down "o-oh" I heard the door opened "Jin-hyung? What are you doing?" I'm doomed...

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