Juju Tech High School

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Inari's Pov

I finished packing my bag and zipped it up, feeling a pair of arms encircle me from behind. "Yuuji..?" Itadori hugged me, his lips brushing against my neck as he spoke.

"Are you finished?" he asked softly, his warm breath sending shivers down my spine.

"Yeah... I'm done," I replied, turning to face him. Our eyes met, and a wave of affection washed over me. "I love you...." He whispered, pressing a tender kiss to my cheeks.

My heart fluttered, and a deep blush spread across my cheeks. "I love you too... With every ounce of my essence...." I responded, my voice barely above a whisper. 

Itadori's smile widened, and we leaned in to share a kiss.

"Eh?! You like this brat?! When did your preference in men change, Sadako?" Sukuna's voice cut through the moment, and I felt my muscles tense with irritation.

I raised my fist, ready to strike, but Itadori intercepted, grabbing my hand. "Wait! Wait! Time out!! It's still me!!" he exclaimed, his eyes pleading for understanding. 

"Huh? But I heard his..." I began to protest, only to notice a mouth forming on Itadori's face.

"Does it hurt, Yuuji?" I asked, gently rubbing the lips that had formed on his cheeks. "Nuh Uh!" he replied, before Sukuna suddenly bit my finger, startling me.

"Ouch! That hurt!" I exclaimed, shooting a fierce glare at the annoying manifestation of Sukuna, who merely smirked and casually licked the blood off his lips. 

"If you wanted to fuck punks, you should have given me a heads-up beforehand!"

"I would have happily obliged and brought in as many men as you desired!" Sukuna taunted, his tone dripping with malice, casting a chilling atmosphere around us. 

"Hey, shut up!" Itadori intervened sharply, delivering a swift slap to his face where Sukuna's mouth was.

"You could have just asked me to leave instead of betraying me!" Sukuna snarled as he materialized on Itadori's hand, only to receive another quick slap from him.

"Would you have actually let me go... Sadako, I mean?" I asked, my voice chillingly calm, staring directly into the malevolent eyes of the curse.

"I swear, if I ever break free, I'll come after you, you damn bitch! So just you wait, Sadako!!" Sukuna's laughter echoed maniacally as the mouth disappeared.

"Let's go. We don't want to be late," I said, regaining my composure as we made our way to the station. 

Boarding the bullet train, we settled into seats facing each other by the window, the entire compartment deserted.

"It's eerily empty. I'll go check the other compartments for anyone else," Itadori suggested, darting off. 

"Just make sure you don't disturb anyone," I cautioned calmly, watching him depart before settling in for the journey ahead.

"Yes! Yes!" Itadori eagerly agreed before rushing off.

'Absurd! I bought all the tickets to Tokyo on this train. There's no possibility of anyone else being here.'

"Inariii, there's no one here!!" Itadori returned after a while, his disappointment evident in his voice. I couldn't help but chuckle. 

"Is that so?" I replied teasingly as he settled next to me.

"You really are a piece of work, aren't you!" Sukuna's voice resurfaced, his presence a constant irritation.

"So, what's the deal between you and Sukuna? He seems hell-bent on killing you," Itadori asked, brushing off Sukuna's taunts directed at me.

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