A Taste of Poison

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Sadako's POV

As the weeks melted into months, a restlessness crept over me like an insistent shadow. The monotonous rhythm of estate life felt like chains, binding me to a dull routine that offered little to stir my soul.

"Bored out of my mind," I muttered, the words heavy with frustration.

Yearning for a spark to reignite my spirit, I craved a challenge that would shake me from my lethargy. An impulse, bordering on madness, gripped me tight, urging me to seek the unconventional.

"Sukuna, care for a spar?" I ventured into his chamber, my voice laced with a mixture of determination and desperation. His puzzled frown met my request, and my gaze involuntarily drifted to the sinewy strength of his arms.

"Perhaps not," I conceded, turning to leave before he could respond.

One languid afternoon, as I meandered through the estate's verdant gardens, I found my thoughts wandering as aimlessly as my footsteps. Despite the sun's golden embrace bathing the landscape in warmth, even the beauty of nature failed to captivate me.

"What am I doing?" I whispered to myself, frustration clinging to each word like a shroud. "Surely, there must be more to life than this endless cycle."

As if on cue, a soft voice broke the silence, drawing me from my reverie.

"Sadako-sama, are you well?" Uraume's gentle inquiry cut through the air, her presence a comforting balm to my troubled mind.

Forcing a smile, I attempted to mask the turmoil brewing within. "I'm fine, Uraume. Just lost in thought, that's all... but truth be told, I'm bored beyond measure," I confessed, my voice tinged with a hint of resignation.

Uraume's eyes held an understanding far beyond her years as she reached out, her touch a silent reassurance on my shoulder. "Restlessness is not uncommon, my lady. Perhaps it's time to seek out new experiences or rediscover old passions. Is there something that once brought you joy?"

Pausing to consider her words, I sighed softly. "I used to find solace in training, in refining my skills and pushing my limits. But since coming here, those pursuits have become distant memories."

Uraume's nod was filled with quiet contemplation. "Perhaps it's time to reclaim what once brought you fulfillment. Have you considered speaking with Sukuna-sama? I believe he would understand your desire to train."

My heart fluttered at the suggestion, hope mingling with apprehension at the thought of broaching such a topic with Sukuna. Memories of our initial conversation upon my arrival flooded my mind, casting a shadow of doubt over the prospect.

But I pushed through my apprehension and approached Sukuna nonetheless.

"Sukuna," I began, the words tumbling out in a rush of desperation, "I've been consumed by restlessness lately. I yearn for the rush of training, for the exhilaration of honing my skills. Can I please resume my training?"

Sukuna regarded me with a hint of amusement dancing in his eyes before a smirk tugged at the corners of his lips. "Why seek training elsewhere when you have me by your side?"

The frustration bubbling within me erupted like a volcano. "Damn you!" I spat, my words laced with venom.

Deciding to retreat, I stormed off, my anger fizzling into resignation. "I'll find something else to occupy my time," I muttered under my breath, determined to seek solace elsewhere.

And so, I turned to the library, seeking refuge in the pages of books. As I delved into the world of literature, I discovered a newfound sense of purpose and contentment.

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