And Then He Shoots It.

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House of the Rising Sun by The Animals!


" God, I can't wait to get back and take a shower and for you to take a shower cause holy shit we smell like shit." I sniff my hand and gag at the smell .

Klaus and I are walking down the street going back to the hotel , I look around at the people around us and they're turning their head away in disgust or looking at me with wide eyes which is understandable.

We didn't stay at the academy long after we found Grace and the orb , we also decided to risk our lives and go out the front door but it turned out none of the Sparrows were home so I took a quick opportunity and decided to steal some of my old clothes and Klaus had to go back around to get his trench coat

But like I said we quickly left after that .

I sigh happily as the hotel come into view "I'm so happy I can get this shit off my skin soon " I cry tears of joy , Klaus chuckles at me " Let me join you it'll be way more pleasurable that way ." I glare at him and push his head " Shut up ." I grumble out as I feel my face get warmer

We finally get into the hotel we're met with the sight of all of our siblings ( except five ) , a random old man , and 3 sparrows 2 dead one supposedly passed out " Woah, what happened here? " I ask and I walk up to the two sparrows that were on the ground that wasn't being toward over by Luther , I see that the two that are dead was Alphonso and Jayme

" Did Viktor go full " Carrie " again?" Klaus shouts and points a finger at Viktor " We didn't do this." Allison says with a attitude , I look up at her and glare at her " Well sorry but if any of you didn't do this then who did? " I say back rudely probably more than I meant to .

" Harlan? " I turn my head to Viktor and the old man " Don't!" The man shouts a little and cringes away , Klaus jumps back and grabs my hand in the process " Don't come near me, please. " He puts his hands on his head " I just want to make sure that you're okay. "Viktor says , Klaus slowly starts to walk around the bodies , Viktor, and a old man named Harlan and drags me along with him

Viktor and Harlan continues to talk to each other and we walk over to Diego and Allison " Who's the hell is creepy grandpa?" Klaus leans in and asks them " That's the kid Viktor saved in Dallas. " Diego answers and the three of us gasps " Oh yeah, shit." " Oh shit! You're right! " Allison and Klaus say at the same time "Was he..?" I gesture to the dead Sparrows " Yep." Diego answers again " But didn't he get rid of all the kid's mojo when he did all "that"?" Klaus shakes to demonstrate what happened

" Yeah, I guess that didn't stick." Allison says nonchalantly " What's he doing here now? " I ask " Who cares? He saved us from the Sparrows." Diego says positively , Klaus eyes widened " Wow, he did that?" He whispers Diego sniffs the air and turns his head towards us " One of you reeks of shit." He says with a disgusted look on his face " It's both of us and trust me , we know ." I turn my head away and look over to Luther .

" Sloane, are you all right? " Luther asks the unconscious girl , she winces in pain " It's okay." Luther says quietly (but not too quiet cause we can still hear him) , he helps her sit up, her look of pain disappears and gets replaced with sadness when she looks over and sees a dead Jayme and Alphonso

She stands up and tries to get closer to them but Luther stops her " It's all right. Sloane, it's all right. " he reassured her to the best of his ability , she gets out of his grasp and looks at him with big eyes and then she runs upstairs to get away from him " Sloane. " Luther calls out .

" You got a live one, Luther! " Diego shouts and starts to run after her and Luther follows , probably trying to stop him from killing her , and Harlan runs away as well " Harlan, wait! " Viktor yells out and starts to run after him but Allison stops him " Go help Luther. " Viktor tells Allison " What about you ? " " I can handle it. Go. " Viktor demands, Allison complies and runs after Luther and Diego

I Love You Too (Klaus Hargreeves x Reader Book 3) Where stories live. Discover now