He Always Wakes Up

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Crystalised by The xx!


" Please ... just wake up..." are the only words I'm able to formulate in this moment , nothing else can form in my mouth other than the occasional "Klaus" or a loud sob .

I completely forgot about Stanley , I can only focus on Klaus in front of me , my mind has completely muted out my surroundings, maybe if I was a little bit more sane I could've comforted Stanley , lord know he needed just as much if not more than me . But in the moment it didn't matter , all that mattered was the dead Klaus in front of me.

But then again even if I was a little sane I'd probably be screaming my head off about how I told him to " put it down before you hurt yourself or one of us" and a whole bunch of other stuff that I don't need to be saying at a 12 year old , also possibly doing things that would eventually get me killed by Diego once he found out.

I just never expected this would be the way he went out , after multiple missions, multiple overdoses, fighting in Vietnam, multiple world endings he always managed to survive, even the things that he would least likely to survive like when he fell off the roof that one time or when he got hit by that car a long time ago .

Instead of dying in multiple life threatening incidents where people were actually trying to kill him , he had to die because some 12 year old that might or might not be my nephew accidentally shot off a weapon that I told him to put down before the incident.

To be honest I was starting to think that he was immortal, no matter how hard someone tried he simply would not die , after days of being locked up in the cemetery with no food or water he came out perfectly fine , traumatized? Yes , but other than that he was okay.

But he's not immortal , he's a perfectly normal human being that just happened to have powers that consists him of seeing the supernatural which made him end up having a ass ton of trauma that he never got to sort out .

A part of me wished that being immortal was apart of having these powers , but if it was he surely would've came back by now , right?

He would've came back for me right? He wouldn't have abandoned me, right? Right?

Of course not , he told me he loved me , well he thinks he loves me the same way that I did but even if he didn't love me in that way he still loved me in another way .

I don't want to think that he'd just leave me after we just lost Ben and Dave again , I was so lost when Dave said goodbye, so lost when he died and the same with Ben but with him I didn't even get a goodbye , and now the same goes with Klaus .

I didn't even get a goodbye it just sorta happened, and I'm even more lost than I ever have been before ...

"Y/n..." I never even really liked myself , I hated myself and I hated life and the only one that made it worth living is Klaus , even when I wasn't with Klaus I continued living for his sake .

"Y/n.." just the thought of him still being alive somewhere in the world made me somewhat happy so I continued to live , but with him gone now , what's the point? What's the point of li-

"Y/n snap out of it! " suddenly I came back to reality, my eyes are no longer looking at Klaus but is instead looking at Diego, well more so being forced to look at him, he was kneeling in front of me and has both of his hands grabbing each side of my face .

Apparently I had stopped crying at some point , just deadly looking at the body in front of me just chanting the same words over and over again, and the only reason why I noticed I had stopped crying in the first place is because I started crying again just as hard if not harder than last time because of the presence of Diego in front of me with a calm but worried look on his face .

I Love You Too (Klaus Hargreeves x Reader Book 3) Where stories live. Discover now