When Did You Become A Domesticated House Wife?

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We'll get through by The Slugs!

And Trigger warning I guess for the end of this chapter, some childhood ptsd kinda comes out for Y/n and she freaks out.

I wake up with banging on door " Bleedhhhhsjdjmsmemmmmmm, we're sleeping fuck off." I groan , but the knocking continues, I get out the bed , my head is pounding with pain. Great. I look over to the bed and see that Klaus is somehow still asleep " Lucky ass." I scowl and walk to the door to open it.

" Have you seen Stan?" " Good morning to you too Lila, if you didn't hear what I screamed a minute ago I was still sleeping . So no , I have not seen Stan. " I say " Shit..." She grumbles under her breath " How did you know we were in here? " " Word gets around." " No one else is staying here anymore ." " doesn't mean I can't figure it out." She smiles.

" Well, sorry but I don't know where Stan is ." And then I think for a moment " You don't think he got Kugelblitzed , do you? " " I don't know , maybe . Man his mother is gonna kill me if he did ." " Why are you talking about yourself in that way? " " No reason , I'm gonna go bother your brother now ! Thanks but no thanks !" She skips away from the door .

" Never thought Diego would date a girl like that." I sigh and close the door . I drag my feet walking back towards the bed and fall back on it " Who was at the door?" Klaus mumbles out " Lila , she was looking for Stan. " "Hm, hope that kid didn't get into any trouble. But knowing him he did ." He laughs.

I smile and sigh " What are we gonna do today? Huh? Sit around do nothing? Go and bother Chet? Your call" " We have to go back to academy and talk to Dad... the buffalo room ... I can't help but feel like he's related to it in some way and I don't know why." He sits up in the bed and turns towards me .

" You remember yesterday when I was talking about my mom and how she said that I can't see what's been right in front of me all along and my menudo turned into a buffalo? " he asks me " I remember the first part but not the menudo part . My mind kinda went blank when you were speaking." I rub the back of my neck and laughed.

" Well  , my menudo turned into a buffalo and I ended up dying in the white buffalo room and Dad has a white buffalo painting . Everything seems like it point to him for some reason." I rubs his face in frustration , I smile sadly at him .

" Don't worry , you're not the only one ." I try to reassure him , he smiles at me a little " I mean, dad does get involved with random stuff , it's just that we don't exactly know what the white buffalo means so it's kinda hard to judge." " That's why I want to go back! So that I— we can ask him what all of this means! " he grabs my shoulders and gently shakes me, I laugh a little and grab his hands off my shoulders.I feel him squeeze my hands a little .

" When do you plan on us leaving? " Klaus sighs and looks up " I don't know... maybe a little bit after 10, is that good with you? " He looks back down at me for confirmation, I nod. " Yeah, I'm fine with that. It's not like we have anything to do exactly before then. But we probably should go eat something before then though. " Klaus groans and fall back down on the bed.

" I don't wanna get up." " Well you have to get up at some point so we can leave." I laugh " Plus, breakfast is the most important meal of the day." I cheer " That's a whole bunch of baloney, having breakfast doesn't affect anything other than giving you extra unnecessary calories!" He whines into the pillow.

" I heard that it boosts your energy levels and jump starts your metabolism so it can burn calories faster ." I state " That's all bullshit . The only resource I need to boost my energy is some nice Baijiu." " No, no more alcohol right now . Especially after how much we drank last night." I lay on my side to look at him better.

I Love You Too (Klaus Hargreeves x Reader Book 3) Where stories live. Discover now