Wedding At The End Of The World

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I've had the time of my life by Bill Medley & Jennifer Warnes !

God I love this episode 😭

Oh, and uh... something that I hinted at at the end of last chapter will happen this chapter. the photo at the top should explain it well if you haven't figured it out yet or don't remember.

"I need a drink of something of anything! I'm exhausted!" " I think you just need to take a nap." I say to Klaus from the backseat while laying down " Maybe so but I could" " What? What's wrong?" I look over to Klaus but my attention soon goes to the orange ( and not sunset orange) sky, I sit up and I feel my mouth go agape at the sight in front of me.

" Holy shit..." all the buildings in the city are on fire and breaking like it's being sucked in by something like a black hole "What the fuck happened while we were gone?!?" I raise my voice slightly " Maybe that Kugel...grits thing went off more than expected?" " We totally would've felt it though and- WHAT THE FUCK, IT'S FUCKING HUGE!" I point over to the large glowing ball in the middle of the city .

" What the fuck did they do?! Are they alive?! What hell!?" " Calm down, I'm sure everyone is fine , with our type of luck none of them have a single scratch on them." " But that doesn't explain how this fucking Kugelshit grew three sizes like the Grinch's heart !" "Worry not, it looks as if the hotel has yet to be touched." Reginald says calmly.

" That doesn't mean none of our siblings haven't been killed! " I shout I rub my face and exhale deeply " I'm sorry, it's just... I'm hella tired and this happened so unexpectedly." I apologize and Reginald stops the car in front of the hotel .

We quickly get out of the car and speed walk into the hotel , the first thing my eyes meet is Chet behind the counter " Alright, I feel slightly better seeing you behind there Chet." I confess from across the lobby, I lightly jog up to him and look him straight into his eyes " Are they all okay? They're all alive?" I ask him a lot more quietly than how I addressed him " Unfortunately, yes." I sigh and put a hand over my chest " You always give good news to me , bless you." I smile at him and I see Klaus and Reginald walk up beside me.

" Mr. Rodo." " Sir Reginald, welcome back. It's been quite some time." Chet says happily, Klaus and I gasp and look between the both of them " You two know each other? " Klaus asks them " Of course we do. I own this hotel. " Reginald confesses , I look over to Klaus and he looks over to me " This makes slightly more sense now." I whisper over to him and he nods slowly, clearly still processing this new information.

" Where are the children? " " They're upstairs, sir." " Very good. Ready my suite, Mr. Rodo." " Right away, sir. " Chet turns around and walks away from us " Come along now." Reginald quickly turns and walks away from us " Wait , wait , wait, did you just say you owned this hotel? " Klaus asks while we run up to catch up this the old man .

" No time to discuss the finer points of real estate investment just now. We must strike while the iron is still hot." " Alright, well, let's stick a pin in it. " I say and we step in front of him " Daddy-o, we can't go in there all guns a-blazing. " Klaus tries to explain " What are you talking about?" " We're just saying. Try not to be overly..." Klaus gestures his hands and tries to think of a word to say " You." I say for him .

He smiles at both of us and shakes his head slightly " Just follow my lead, Klaus, Y/n." He walks around us and we stay there for a second and then turn around " But that's exactly what we don't want to do." I grab Klaus's arm and pull him with me as I catch up with the old man once again.

We walk up the stairs and we can hear some murmurs from the top floor , once we make it to the top I see everyone , including Ben and the girl that Luther was infatuated with who I'm slightly sure name is Sloane "Dad? Y/n?" Ben calls out " Klaus, Y/n. " Allison shouts at us in shock .

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