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The walk back to your room from Tesoro's was very shameful. Your faced was flushed as blood rushed through your head. You couldn't think or breathe properly and your heart was beating at such a tremendous pace that you bet Law was curious as to what was happening with you. You tightly wrapped the jacket you picked up from Tesoro's room around your body and didn't want to let it go, keeping your gaze on the floor as you went back to your room.

'Why did I do that? Why did I do that?' You mentally asked yourself the same question over and over again, receiving no answer in turn. Doffy... Doflamingo... you couldn't get his name out of your mind. All those many times you made love with him and all those times he fucked you so hard forced his name to be ingrained in your head when you would scream his name in pleasure.

And because of that, you embarrassed yourself before Tesoro. You weren't the strong, independent woman he initially thought you to be. Hell, you couldn't get over a man who had abused you and tormented you many times in the past. Doflamingo had his strings wrapped around you. Of course, you weren't strong. You weren't capable of snapping those strings and severing the bond you had with him even though you were free.

"Well, then, the fun ended so soon?" You heard a familiar, whiny voice that was the last thing you wanted to hear and looked up to see Baccarat standing down the hallway with a larger figure walking in tow. It was Caesar, chained in sea prism stone chains but out of the prison that was Tesoro's gold. You were to leave soon but you didn't think it would be the same night. It hadn't even struck midnight yet.

"Don't tell me he grew tired of you even before-"

"Go away, Baccarat. I don't want to deal with you right now," you interrupted her as you walked past the two of them, clutching onto the jacket with your hands. The embarrassment you felt disappeared the moment you heard her voice and was replaced with mild fear and anxiety. You still didn't know what Sabo was thinking and being sent off to Big Mom was something you hadn't come to terms with yet.

"You have no choice but to. I was just on my way to retrieve you. Go get dressed and don't keep us waiting for too long," she called out to you as you walked away. You did turn your head to look at Caesar from the corner of your eye and saw that he had been staring off into the distance, as though he weren't physically present in his body. But he was moving so he had to have been conscious.

The both of you were filled with depression, but Caesar had it worse. He didn't have someone like Sabo he could put his faith in. Unlike you, he was completely alone. You scoffed as you turned at a corner. The day finally arrived when you would feel pity for Caesar Clown and you hated every second of it. You reached your room and closed the door behind you, dropping the jacket on the floor and walking over to the baby snail you left on the bed.

You stared at it for a moment, unsure of what to do next.

"I hate this... I hate all of this," you muttered to yourself, feeling the cold air strike against your naked skin. Should you call Law? That would have been futile because he would probably not pick up or care for your situation. What about Sabo? To tell him that you weren't ready. But he had already gone off to retrieve Caesar's heart from Law so that he can be prepared for the trade.

Sabo would not be able to return Caesar's heart to its original place and it would be unnecessary to do so since he could just hand over the cube to Big Mom and she would be satisfied with it. As for your heart... well, it belonged to Law and there was no way of getting it back until he felt he wanted to return it to you.

You didn't care that Baccarat was impatient and wanted you to hurry up. You took your sweet time and bathed in hot water first before getting dressed. As you were getting dressed, the door burst opened and the furious redhead marched into the room, stopping before you just as you were about to finish getting dressed.

"Look, you aren't keeping me waiting, but Big Mom instead!" She yelled at you but you were too occupied with what she said to care.

"Is she coming to get Caesar and I herself?" You asked and Baccarat, noticing how scared you suddenly became when your eyes opened wide slightly, scoffed and took pleasure in seeing you frightened.

"Of course, not. But someone from her family is on the way." You bit the inside of your bottom lip behind your closed lips.

"Is it one of her children?" And you asked next only for her to nod as a response. She saw how quickly you grew nervous at discovering that Big Mom was sending one of her own children. You didn't know which one she would send but anyone from the Charlotte Family was bad news.

"Is there any reason for you to sweat so much? You aren't planning anything, are you?" Baccarat asked next and you sighed.

"No. I'm just not ready yet and I don't think having one of her children transport us there will make my situation easier for me," you replied, which was the full truth. You desperately wanted to calm down but that wouldn't be possible with someone from the Charlotte children breathing down your neck. Then again, having one of her children transport you and Caesar was better than having Linlin herself transport you.

"I'll be out in two minutes," you said to Baccarat and watched her walk out of the door and close it. You finished getting dressed and walked back to the baby snail, picking it up in your hand. You didn't have much to pack except for a couple of clothes because you didn't bring anything along from Dressrosa.

You wondered if it was a good idea to bring the snail along and figured that being in a foreign land without a means of communicating with the outside world wouldn't mean anything good. So, you hid the baby snail in between your breasts in your bra, where no one would suspect to look, and walked out the room to find Baccarat still waiting for you.

To be continued...

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