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When you opened your eyes, the first thing you saw was the ceiling, but when you turned your head, you saw a very familiar room. You were currently laying on the bed in one of the unused bedrooms in the castle, back in Dressrosa.

When you stood up, you thought about when you had returned. You realised then that the island you were on was Punk Hazard, and that it wasn't so far away from Dressrosa. You noticed some clothes on a chair nearby, and after showering and changing into them, you hurried over to the door.

You wanted to see your son more than anything, and ignored the food on the table, even though you were hungry. As soon as you entered the corridor, you noticed how awfully quiet the place was. It was almost like you were the only one in the entire castle.

The lack of servants bothered you, but you quickly pushed the thought aside and made your way to Sugar's room, where you were certain Ren would be. At arriving at the door, you found a maid you had never seen before seated on chair by the bed, feeding your overly energetic son.

This surprised you, as Aiki was the one who was given the responsibility of feeding Ren since she was one of the few people he liked. You walked forward, drawing the attention of Ren, who in turn ignored the spoon that was supposed to have entered his mouth.

The maid, at noticing you too, got up and bowed slightly,

"Welcome back, Miss. I'm glad you were able to return safel-"

"Where's Aiki?" The question escaped your lips without permission. You held no grudge against the new maid, in fact you liked her, but you would rather have Aiki being the one taking care of Ren if Sugar wasn't with him.

"Aiki?" The new maid asked in confusion, confusing you in the process. She probably hadn't gotten used to the other servants, and found it hard to recognize someone without proper descriptions.

"Yes, she's a maid who is supposed to be taking care of my son?" You asked, hoping it would help her. It did, but in the next second her face turned into a saddened one, as she nodded?

"I remember her being mentioned... but Miss, I thought you knew that all the previous servants have been dismissed. All the other servants, including me, started working here only this morning," she explained, pausing for a second at noticing your confused state.

You had no idea what had happened while you were away, but something terrible must've happened to have all the previous servants fired. Not only did it confuse you, it worried you, too.

The operation to rescue the princess, and, at the same time, take down Doflamingo would come to a standstill. There was no way you could do it on your own. You quickly turned around and ran out of the room, ignoring Ren's cries for you.

You had to find Doflamingo, or at least an officer of the family to find out what had happened. After stopping by Doflamingo's room and finding it in a mess, everything being destroyed, you ran down the halls until you stopped by the side of the pool.

Surprisingly, he was sitting on his own on the usual spot on the couch, and you noticed that the girls weren't around. He must have gotten rid of them along with the servants.

"Doflamingo!" You called out to him, gaining his attention. As you walked closer to him, his infamous smile crept onto his face. From what you heard when you spoke to him through the transponder snail, he was infuriated.

But you doubted he would be so happy to have you return to his side, not when he couldn't get his hands on the one who took you away in the first place.

"You woke up earlier than expected," he commented when you stopped beside him. When he glanced down at his lap, you took that as him asking you to sit on it, but you ignored him.

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