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It all broke out into chaos in a matter of minutes. You recalled a while ago that you were thrown over Kid's shoulder by him as a means to restrain you while he fought with the Big Mom pirates on the other ships. What happened afterwards was very vague to you.

At some point, Kid was using his devil fruit abilities to divert the canons that were flying your way. You couldn't remain still for too long as the prospect of going back to Kaido and Doflamingo frightened you. Without any further thought, you kneed Kid in the chin, throwing him off his concentration. One of the canons hit where they intended to, on the bow of the ship, and sent it rocking back and forth violently.

It was then that Kid lost his hold on you and you fell to the forecastle deck. The rocking motion made you roll down the stairs to the main deck where countless feet were scurrying about in a panic. Had you not broken the fall with your hands, you would have been seriously injured but you came out of it with only a scratch on your forehead.

"(Y/n)!" Kid's loud voice resonated throughout the air amidst the sounds of the canons crashing into the ocean. He appeared at the top of the stairs and was about to pull you back up to him when another canon struck the front of the ship. It was clear that he could only focus on one thing, so he turned around and turned his attention back to the fight.

That was the chance for you to act. You ran over to the side of the deck and peeked past the railing at the sea water below you. Gran Tesoro was not far off and you could make it there in a matter of minutes if you swam. You would have to ignore the cold of the water all so that you could get away from Kid.

Before jumping into the sea, you reached into your top and pulled out the baby snail, cursing your luck because it was brining it along that led you to being abducted. There was no way that Eustass knew you had a snail on you. He had taken a lucky guess that you would have some form of metal on you just as you had those earrings that one time you came across him.

"I'm going to leave you here," you said to the baby snail, its eyes partly opened, and put it down on top of the railing where it wouldn't get trample upon. You didn't even notice that the sound of canon fire had ceased when you raised your leg over the railing. Before you could jump, you were pulled away when Kid snaked his arm around your waist.

"Where the hell are you going?" He asked, dragging you away from the railing. You wriggled and kicked about for him to let you go but he didn't release you.

"Somewhere far from you! Why are you doing this? Why are you working with Kaido?" You asked and he shrugged his shoulders.

"It was either I remain locked up in that rotten prison or I come here to take you as Kaido ordered. The answer's obvious," he said, dragging you to the door that would lead deeper into the ship. You couldn't risk him taking you indoors. Once you were inside, there was no going out.

"You don't have to do this, Eustass!" You yelled at him, scratching at his arm.

"No, I do have to do this, sweetheart! Whatever issues you have with Kaido, it would be best to settle them now, wouldn't it?" He asked, ignoring your scratching against his bare flesh. He reached the door and swiftly kicked it opened. You didn't want to go inside so you clung on to the wooden door frame with your hands and nails. It hurt so much that your nails felt as though they would be ripped off, but you didn't let go.

"Hey, Killer! I've got the girl but one of them is still left!" You heard Kid call out to somewhere. You hadn't even realizef that Killer was on board as well. You turned to the deck and saw Killer's large frame standing there before he nodded and hopped off the ship you were on to the nearest of the Big Mom ships, which was so close that even you became afraid of being caught up in the attack.

Before Kid successfully managed to drag you inside, you saw Killer reach the dock you were on where Tesoro and Baccarat were waiting with an injured Caesar. Kid dragged you further down into the ship until you reached a room. Kicking down that door as well, Kid released you and lightly pushed you in. However, because the ship itself was rocking back and forth, you lost your footing and fell to the wooden floor.

You tried to get up on your knees and watched as Kid closed the door beside him.

"Alright, take off all of your clothes," he ordered, an expression of annoyance mixed with a little bit of excitement on his face. The hairs on the back of your neck stood on edge and you became fearful when he took a step closer.

"Unless, of course, if you want me to do it myself. I have plenty of experience when it comes to that," he spoke as he raised his hand to show you his dark nails he would use to tear away your clothing. You didn't understand why he wanted you to undress but you decided that it was better than him doing it for you.

"Why am I doing this?" You asked as you slowly unbuttoned your top. Luckily for you, you had a bra on and didn't worry too much about being half-naked. But even with your bra and panties on, you still felt completely naked in front of him, especially as he watched you undress with his lustful eyes.

"I want everything off," he said next and you quickly threw your arms over your chest when he walked closer to you.

"Stay away! Isn't this enough?" You asked, crawling away from him whilst still keeping your chest covered. But crawling didn't help you and he finally reached you, getting down on one knee and grabbing your wrists to expose your bra.

"No. I was told that that bastard can infuse gold dust into clothes. I don't need him tracking us down," he explained, pinning your hands above your head with one arm and using the other to reach down for your bra. With one motion, he tore away the piece along with your panties, leaving you completely naked and flustered from humiliation. You quickly closed your legs to stop him from seeing anything you didn't want him to.

"Ha! I knew you were something special but I didn't think you were so fucking hot!" He said next, his hand uncomfortable too close to your perky breasts. It was cold and your nipples were hard, giving him the impression that you were turned on, which you weren't. He was about to grab your left breast when you came up with an excuse on the spot.

"I-It's not just on clothes, but everywhere else!" You yelled out and he froze, a lie which was technically true. You weren't sure if Tesoro even did infuse any gold dust on you but the lie would save you at that instance. Kid's grin dropped as he clicked his tongue. He didn't grab your breast either and released your wrists instead.

"Then I guess you should take a shower, huh? Hurry up!" He demanded, getting up on his feet so he was hovering over you. You brought your hands down to cover your breasts and stood up, looking around the room to see that you were actually in a bedroom. There was another door in the room which you assumed led to the bathroom.

You wanted to get out of his sight quickly and made for the bathroom, but as you were passing by him, he painfully slapped your butt and you gasped in pain, turning to face him.

"Stop touching me!" You yelled at him and his smile returned. He crossed his arms over his chest.

"Don't count on me stopping anytime soon, sweetie. You'll be with me for a while, too. I bet we'll have lots of fun," he said with a light laugh that pissed you off. Gritting your teeth, you turned on your heels and hurried to the bathroom, closing the door and locking it after you went inside.

To be continued...

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