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"Bellamy the hyena, huh?" Baby5 said to herself. She and Buffalo were walking down the streets of Mock Town looking for the former Donquixote pirate. They were supposed to look for you themselves but Doflamingo called in Diamante. Diamante then went to these two to inform them of their new mission.

"Any ideas where to find him, Buffalo?" She asked stopping in the middle of the road and looking around.
"I heard he's always at this one bar, dasuyan. But I don't know which one."
Baby 5 gave him a look of disbelief.
"So we have to search every bar in this town?"

She put her hand on her hip, continuing to look around.
"Let's start with that one." She said pointing to the bar a little far down the road. They pushed the doors open only to be met by the laughter and cheers of drunk men.
"Hey. That's Sarquiss right?" Buffalo asked pointing to the blue haired man seated at the back of the bar.

"Yes. Maybe Bellamy's with him." And sure enough he was. They hadn't seen him from the entrance because he was blocked by a few men dancing around the bar. Baby 5 walked their way and stopped on the other side of their table.
He turned his gaze from his men to the duo.
"What does Doflamingo want now?"
She reached into her pocket and pulled out a photo of you, and put it on the table. One of his female crew members picked up the photo, examining it.
"Pretty." She commented then handed the photo to Bellamy.

"You have one week to find her. Or Woka-sama will be really disappointed."
"I've seen her before. She was with Doflamingo at Marineford, right?"
She nodded.
"Okay. I'll find her for you. It'll probably be easy."
She shook her head this time.
"She might try to resist and if she does don't hurt her. Waka-sama wouldn't appreciate that."
"Don't hurt her. Got it."

Timeskip : two days later

The submarine had stopped at an island and you were walking around town with the giant bear. He had in one hand a bag filled with supplies Law had sent him to get and in another an ice-cream cone. You had one too but it was slowly melting in your hand.

You were too busy thinking about a way to escape that you didn't notice your hand was wet and sticky because of the melting ice-cream. You heard a loud chatter and looked behind you. There was a group of people circling two men who were having a brawl in the middle of the street.

You threw the cone into a trash can that was nearby and wiped your hand clean. You then tugged on Bepo's jacket, causing him to look down at you.
"Let's go over there."
You said pointing to the group that was getting bigger as more people went there. This spiked his interest too and he nodded.
"Alright." He said turning around and going with you. When you got there, you pushed your way through the crowd of people to the center.
"Yes! Beat him up Bellamy!" His female crew member cheered on as said man beat up an old, defenceless man. You moved to the two and grabbed Bellamy's arm. He turned around and you punched him square in his jaw, causing him to stumble backwards a little.

The people surrounding you gasped and so did Bepo, who threw away his cone and came over to you. The old man took that chance to escape, as you saw him making his way through the crowd. Once Bellamy had caught on to what happened he walked over to you, his hand balled up in a fist until Sarquiss moved in between you two.
"Bellamy! Stop."
"What Sarquiss? Let me..."
"No Bellamy." The female intervened, stepping closer to him too. "That's the girl."
She added, pulling out the photo and showing it to him. He looked you up and down and then at the picture.
"Well, what do you know. She came to us instead."

Bepo grabbed your shoulder and forcibly turned you in another direction.
"(Y/n). Let's go."
"No." You said shrugging his paw off your shoulder and turning back around to face the other pirate.
"You," You pointed to Bellamy, "what are you talking about?" He crossed his arms and chuckled.
"The big bird is looking for you. I'm supposed to take you back to him."
This time Bepo picked you up and threw you over his shoulder, running back to the dock.

"After them!" Bellamy called out to his crew.
"Bepo! Put me down!" You yelled punching him on the back. But, because of his large fur, he didn't feel anything.
"No, (y/n)." He said, dodging a bullet that was shot at him. You heard a springing noise over the sound of the contents moving about in the plastic bag he was holding. You looked looked up and saw Bellamy bouncing towards you. You were almost at the sub and you used your last chance to knee Bepo on his chest. He doubled over in pain but still didn't let you go.

Your kick caused him to slow down and fall backwards and Bellamy was getting closer. Before he reached you though, he fell to the ground, now split at the waist into two.
"Trying to escape, (y/n)-ya?" You looked behind you and saw Trafalgar with Penguin and Sachi. In front of you Bellamy's crew had arrived and had readied their weapons. You were in the middle. A few feet away from salvation but a lot closer to your abductors. Not to mention Bepo was still holding you very tightly.
"So she's been with you?" Bellamy's upper half said.
"The Big Bird is not going to be happy when he hears about this."

"Bepo. Please let me go. I just want to go home." You whispered to him, not loud enough for the others to hear. He just sighed and shook his head, then whispered back,
"I would, (y/n). But Captain's orders."
"Screw your Captain." You muttered under your breath.

"Is he ever happy when he hears my name? (Y/n) is coming with us Bellamy-ya." Trafalgar replied, flipping his finger at the bear. Bepo got up and threw you over his shoulder, then he walked to his captain. One of Bellamy's men aimed his gun at the bear but the female grabbed the gun, moving it to point at the sky.
"But why, Lily? He's right there."
"You might hurt the girl. You remember what that other girl said, don't you?"
He nodded and pulled back.

Bepo handed you over to Law and you fought tooth and nail trying to get away. That is until you felt a sharp pain on the back of your neck, making everything go black and for you to fall over, your whole body numb. Law caught you just before you hit the ground and threw you over his own shoulder, heading back to the submarine, leaving his crew to deal with Bellamy's.

To be continued

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