Shadow's Late Hour Help

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I managed to bring myself that low


Sonic wakes up in the middle of the night dripping with sweat

Ew, ugh I hate sweat it matts up my fur and makes it all greasy

Sonic sees that Shadow flipped over in his sleep again

He flips over to his left side to face Shadow

[Sonic's Thoughts]
He looks so calm and peaceful when he sleep now, unlike when I first saw him sleep and his eyebrows were all furrowed and angry looking

Sonic reaches his hand up and rubs the side of Shadows face

Hehe, fluffy

Shadow opens his eyes slightly

Sonic jumps and yanks his hand back


Shadow groans and his eyebrows furrow just like the first night when he passed out

Shadow reaches for Sonic's hand swiping randomly below the covers until he eventually succeeds in grabbing it

He pulls the blue hedgehogs hand back up to his face and then smiles lightneing his angry look

You're... fine with this?

Shadow sleepily hums



Sonic continues to rub his face until Shadow says in a sleepy voice

Why are you awake?

Sonic thinks for a minute not remembering and then answers as soon as he does remember

Oh, I just woke up on my own because I was uncomfortable... I think

Mhh, I'm sorry

Oh it's alright swe- Shadow

Sonic trips over his words

Did you almost just call me sweetie?

No, I have no idea what you're talking about

Must've been my imagination

You're probably still tired

Well I don't wanna sleep till you're able to

Oh it's okay I'll just lay here till I fall back asleep, if I can't then it's alright, it's not fair that you don't sleep just because I can't

No, are you comfy?

I mean honestly, not that much, but I'm sure I can find a comfy spot

A Helping Hand: a sonadow fanficWhere stories live. Discover now