Shadow's Slump

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Shadow The Hedgehog has been moping around Team Dark's base lately

Not wanting to be social or do anything he's even been falling asleep whenever he sits down or takes a small break from walking

Mephiles and Rouge talk about the strange behavior to try and come up with a solution

He hasn't been eating, sleeping, working, going out, talking to anyone, doing anything, what's up with him?

Has he ever eaten?

Fair point

I think he's got a big case of the blues, y'know just feeling depressed for no reason

It does seem that way, insomnia, lack of appetite, and lack of energy are pretty big symptoms of it, well what do we do?

We solve the blues with the blue, Sonic knows how to cheer anybody up, as much as I hate to admit it he's even helped me every now and then get out of a slump, we should call him

And invite him straight into our secret base?

Pretty much everybody knows about it, it's not that top secret, plus we could just call him to pick Shadow up, or we could tell Shadow we need him to go on a mission in Sonic's area

Alright... if it'll get him back to his determined self let's do it

Rouge brings out her cellphone and dials Sonic's number

It rings a few times and he picks up

[Sonic (Phone)]
Hello, hello hello?

Hey Sonic, Team Dark needs a favor from you

[Sonic (Phone)]
What's up?

Shads has been in a really big slump lately and we want you to cheer him up somehow, just hang out with him, he may rest easier with a familiar friend

[Sonic (Phone]
I mean I don't know if he likes me that much but sure, I can try

Thanks Sonic, we'll send him over to you, we'll tell him he needs to hang with you and monitor your behavior

[Sonic (Phone)]
Got it, I'll be waiting at the park

Copy that, paging him now, bye

Rouge hangs up the call and uses the intercom to call Shadow

[Rouge (Intercom)]
Shadow T Hedgehog please report to the front desk for classified mission briefing

Shadow let's out a loud groan and flips over in his bed burrowing his face in his pillow

He sighs heavily and rolls back over, standing up to his feet

Guess that's me...

Shadow gets up and throws on a dark gray hoodie pushing his chest fluff down while he zips it up

He walks out of his room and down the hall to the main desk

He throws his hand up to greet Rouge

Glad you could make it Shadow, we know you're pretty down these days but hopefully this mission will lift your spirits some, it's not a difficult one, just monitor the blue hedgehog, Sonic, up close and personal, hang with him for a while and just pay attention to his behavior, that's all, no real emergency just some patrol work

Sounds easy enough, alright, I'll... how long do I need to monitor?

Just give it a few days, I'll call you when you're off duty

Got it, I'll be going then

See you Shadow, have fun... somehow

Shadow walks out the main door and stretches his arms and legs before taking off

He sleepily skates along approaching Sonic's location fast

His eyelids start to droop and he starts to fall forward as he moves closer and closer to his destination

Eventually his feet slow to a sluggish walk

Shads you alright?

what... who's there...?

It's me dude, the blue blur, you know, Sonic

Shadow lifts his head and rubs his eyes

Ah yes, faker... I was supposed to... I mean... do you wanna hang out...?

That's awfully odd for you to offer seeing as you used to hate me like a lot, not that long ago either

Yes well... I've decided you're not so bad, I've only decided this for just a few days... no longer then that

Alright you've convinced me, but first let's get you some rest, you look like you're about to collapse

Well that's because, I haven't slept in days, so I am... about to collapse... right... now...

Shadow slowly tips over and falls onto his knees

Before his face could hit the ground Sonic grabbed his shoulders so he wouldn't tip any further

He lifts Shadow onto his back and piggy backs him across the street to his house

Sonic walks inside and walks into his bedroom where he carefully lays Shadow down pulling a blanket over him

Shadow rolls over in his sleep facing the wall

Sonic forms a smirk and walks out the door shutting it

He walks out of the house locking the front door before he leaves and then speeds off to the store

(to be continued in the next episode of "A Helping Hand: a sonadow fanfiction")

>Authors Note

If you have any other suggestions for other ships or books let me know here, I'll be making a OneShots book so whatever ideas I don't make into a book I'll shorten into a OneShot.

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