Shadow's Full Recovery

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Shadow arrives right below Angel Island

He looks up at the floating island

[Shadow's Thoughts]
Can I make that jump?

He floats up a little bit using his flight abilities that nobody ever talks about

[Shadow's Thoughts]
Hehe, yeah I can make it

Shadow boosts himself up speedily, creating a shockwave as soon as he rips through the clouds

He lands on the island and takes a quick glance around

He spots a large building with Robotniks face plastered on the front

[Shadow's Thoughts]
Yep, that's the place

He speeds towards it coming to the front door

He gets a good grip on the double sliding door and pries it open

He steps inside and every robot in the building now knows he's there

Many robots stroll out into the hall he's wandered into

He glances around counting the robots

[Shadow's Thoughts]
Alright, 10 robots here and more on the way  there's probably gonna be more in the next room, and I have no idea where the two I'm after are located in the first place, I should've thought this through, love is gonna get me killed


Two robots surprise Shadow coming from the left and right hallway and grabbing his arms slamming them against the wall to keep him still

Shadow sweeps the leg of one making them trip

He grabs the arm of the other and swings it over his head slamming it down onto the robot he tripped


A small bot using one single wheel to move rushes at Shadow with sharp horns

He jumps on it like a stepping stone and uses the momentum of the jump to crush another robot he lands on

He quickly gets up and starts running

He dips and dodges past robots swings as he goes through the rooms looking for Knuckles and Sonic

He comes to a room guarded by two robots with electric spears

One of them jabs at Shadow

He grabs the spear by the blade and jerks it back impaling the robot with the handle

He yanks it back out and flips it around stabbing it into the second one and turning the power to full blast

The robot short circuits and sparks fly

Shadow punches the panel next to the door and it opens

He dashes in and looks around frantically

A Helping Hand: a sonadow fanficWhere stories live. Discover now