Chapter 2

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Before starting her paper work the blonde fire captain decides to look at the message she received while giving chores to her team.

As she is looking down at her phone she had to let out a little chuckle at the message that was from her favourite Italian.

Carina 🥰: You bambina, I still don't know how you get up and go for a run in the mornings. My bed is too comfy and warm to leave. Matteo did however wake me up by jumping on me saying he was hungry, ahhh that kid has some energy in the morning i might have to send him with you on your runs. Have a good shift Bella. Stay safe x

Maya: Thank you, I will. He is welcome anytime. How about I take you both out for breakfast tomorrow? We can head to the park and he can run off some of that energy? X

Just as maya sat down she heard a crash coming from upstairs. "What the hell" she quickly ran out of her office to see what the hell was going on.

Few minutes prior...

Andy, Jack, Dean and Vic where in the beanery joking around with tea towels flicking them at each other. It just so happen Travis walked in as Jack flicked Vic which made Vic jump and fall onto Travis who knocked over pots and pans that the team were meant to put away after washing them.

"Oh shit" "uhhhhh" "ohhhh damn" "crap" where heard in whisper as the five firefighters went silent.

The firefighters slowly turned on their heals to face their captain, who was not looking to happy.

"Well" maya said with her hands out. Something she has picked up from the Italian. Talking with her hands.

"Uhh yeah uhhh" Jack stuttered out.

"Don't worry Captain Bishop we will clean it up" Andy said with a bit of attitude when she said captain.

Maya drops her shoulders with a sigh "okay" and walks away. She's been talking and opening up more with Carina which has been helping her deal with stressful situations. Situations like this one where it's just better to walk away than react.

"What, that's it?" Jack asks shocked as Maya made her way back to her office.

"What, were you expecting Jack a pat on the back" Dean chuckles out.

"No but... I, I expected more. I dunno. Maybe for her to yell at us for messing about. I, that was just"

"Not Maya" Andy says finishing jacks sentence.

"Do you think the stress of the job has got to her and she realises she isn't fit to do it?" Travis asks

No one answered they just continued to clean the kitchen in silence. Questions running through each of their heads. Why didn't Maya snap back? What didn't she demand to know what they were doing? Is the job stressing her out?

Just then the klaxon went off.

Lader 19 Engine 19 Aid Car 19
Apartment building
6547 Seadway Avenue

"19 let's go" Maya yelled getting into the truck. As they are making their way there they can see fire from the sky.

"Ohh this is a big one" Vic said through the head set.

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