Chapter 26

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Sorry for not updating, it's a long chapter. Hopefully it'll make up for not updating for almost a year.

"So you know what you are going to say to Bailey and HR in your meeting today?" Maya walked into her kitchen with Matteo in her arms and sat him down at the table were Carina had placed his breakfast.

"Si I do. I have my evidence folder in my bag and I have the messages she sent me when she was meant to be working and I was off shift. I have made a note of all of the misdiagnosis and mistreatments. Oh and I have the patient and staff complaints as well." Carina and rambled the list off of everything that she could possibly need for her meeting.

After Andy left and the couple spent the day with their son and Maya finally was able to ask Carina about her shift and Doctor Crazy. As they were talking they both collectively decided that Carina needed to report her.

So that night after Matteo went to bed, Maya and Carina gathered every single piece of evidence against this particular Doctor. When going through everything it was the first time Carina actually seen the mess and decided to request a meeting with HR and to make sure Dr Bailey was there as well, it was that bad, they replied back and said meeting is happening at 10:30 this morning.

Maya could see the Carina was stressing about the meeting "babe" Maya called as Carina was frantically moving round the kitchen not being able to focus on anything.

The blonde knew Carina didn't hear here so as she glanced down at Matteo who was eating his breakfast not noticing his mama, to focused on his food.

Shaking her head slightly at his love for food, Maya made a split decision. She grabbed Carina from behind turned her round and lifted her up high enough to put her on the kitchen counter and kissed her.

Slightly moaning into the kiss they both pulled back connecting their foreheads "baby you need to breathe... In and out... There you go. You don't need to worry you have all the evidence you need and you are doing the right thing by reporting her." She whispered holding the brunettes face and looking in her deep chocolate eyes, making sure she was listening.

"Thank you Bella. I just... ahhh. Yes I'm nervous about the meeting but that's not what I'm thinking about. I already know what I'm going to say and like you said I have all I need, but bambina my mind is thinking about that stupid bitch at the daycare. I am trying to calm myself down because every time I think about it and her, I get angry. Come osa darti il suo numero, tu Maya sei mia e Dio non voglia che qualcuno cerchi di portarti via da me. Non voglio perderti, ti amo troppo. Then I remembered that you love me and I'm okay until I found this" Carina pulled out the little piece of paper from her pocket. (Like how dare she give you her number. You, Maya are mine and god forbid anyone try to take you away from me. I don't want to loose you I love you too much)

Maya just looked at her girlfriend in aww. She knew herself she felt the same way with Carina. Carina is hers and no one else's. As Maya looked down at the paper she realised what it was. It was the new leaders from the daycares number.

"You had it the whole time?" The blonde questioned. Seeing Carina give her a glare she continued to speak. "Carina, my love, my sexy Italian. You are the only woman I want. You are the only person I want. You are the person I want to spend the rest of my life with. You are the person I have found out what real, true love really is and you are the reason I fight so hard to come home everyday. Nobody and I mean nobody can take me away from you. I love you Carina." Maya panicked at first but as Carinas face softened from the glare, she was giving to a sporting look of love.

Jumping down from the counter Carinas look of love changed to a smirk. "If I didn't know any better bamabina I'd think you were about to propose" laughing she walked away. "Matteo let's go and finish getting ready" the two Italians walked out of Mayas kitchen into Matteo's room.

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