Chapter 3

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Maya woke up with her alarm. 6:30 only half an hour left of shift. A little later than she would have liked to wake up but she gets changed back into her uniform and makes her way up to the beanery.


A couple of team say morning back. However Jack and Andy make it a point to ignore her and roll their eyes, still bitter about the captaincy.

10 minutes left of shift, Maya stands up from the table where everyone is eating and semi skips to put up coffee cup in the sink.

Her happy mood doesn't go a miss by the team. Confused faces all around. Ben asks " you not eating Captain" before she could answer however the klaxon goes off. "Noo God damn it"

Aid Car
4 Willow Drive
Man in distress

"Oh it's just the aid car, thank god. Warren and Montgomery that's you. As for me I've got somewhere to be bye" and with that Maya practically skips away to pick up Carina and Matteo for breakfast.

"Okay what was that? Maya literally said no to the klaxon"

"Uhh not just said no she whined while saying it. Then was happy to leave"

"Yeah I've no idea but Warren we gotta go" Travis said as he and Ben ran down to the aid car.

Everyone was confused however went on with their calm morning. Unfortunately for Carina her morning wasn't so calm. Matteo was too excited to see Maya and was bouncing around the apartment much to Carinas dismay. She really isn't a morning person.

"Matteo come on bello, please calm down for mama. I know your excited but if you aren't going to listen you're going to have to face the consequences"

"MAYA MAYA MAYA!" He shouted running back and forth from the living room and kitchen.

"Ahhh! Right corner now" Carina had had enough from the moment he woke up he has been giving her attitude, not listening and being rude all because he was too excited to see Maya. She was thinking about cancelling but she too wanted to see the blonde. They didn't talk on their call last night as Matteo woke up and she fell asleep listening to them. She loves their bond, sometimes shes a little jealous but shrugs it off as she knows Maya treats Matteo like her own little Prince and treats her like a queen.

Matteo whines a little but sees the look his mama is giving him, so decides to do as he is told. Carina uses this time to finish getting ready. She decided that since today is meant to be surprising good for Seattle, she goes for a pair of mom jeans, a T-shirt with a little pocket on the top right with a gold crown above it, sneakers and a hoodie. She also takes the station19 hat that she stole from Maya at the beginning of their relationship.

Just as she put the hat on there's a knock at the door. She sees Matteo getting up to see Maya but stops him. "Ahh ahh bello" he slowly sits back down and turns around again.

"Hi beautiful" Maya says with a smile and greets Carina with a hug and a kiss. A kiss that Carina doesn't want to end. One because she hasn't seen Maya in a few days and two because she's had a stressful morning.

"Bongiorno bambina" Carina replies after breaking their kiss with a slight sigh. Maya can already tell this hasn't been an easy morning as she can see Matteo in the corner of her eye.

"Do you need help or shall I wait in the car for you to umm talk to" the captain asked with a head tilt towards the three year old.

Maya and Carina: Alternate Universe Where stories live. Discover now