Chapter 21

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Sorry guys been travelling. Half of this was wrote on the plane and I'm a bit sleep deprived.

The station was quiet not a sound could be heard through out. The sun has risen and was shinning through the station catching reflective services creating a rainbow effect.

The first to waken was the youngest I'm the station. Little Matteo woke up cuddled in between his mama and mommy. Well more like on top of them both as they were in Mayas bunk and the bed wasn't big enough for the three of them.

Waking up and lifting his head from his mommy's chest he looked around not recognising where they were until he remembered 'we stayed at the station last night'. Luckily the angle he was looking at he couldn't see the blondes purple and blue bruises on her neck.

The movement however when the little Italianmade when he snuggled back in to both his mama and mommy woke Carina. She hadn't had a good nights sleep making sure to be able to wake up and help her love with any discomfort she may have sleeping. She also couldn't get the imagine out of her head. Maya laying there on the floor unconscious.

"Buongiorno bambino" Carina whispered as she moved her hand to rub his back.

Turning his head so he could see his mama "buongorno mama, we wake mommy now" he said as he going to wake up the sleeping fire captain.

Carina grabbing his hand to stop him "no Matteo let mommy sleep. Don't wake her up" she used her mom voice which made him stop instantly.

"Mama I wanna play" he whined

Sighing as she knew she wasn't going to get anymore sleep.  "Okay bello you can play in here but you have to be quiet so mommy can sleep okay?" Earning a nod he carefully lifted him up over her and set him in the floor. He got up and got one of his toys. Carina watched him as he played, only 10 minutes later she saw his eyes closing for a longer amount of time, each time he blinked. She didn't want to say anything because it was still really early and she knew he's be tired.

Matteo finally surrendered into a sleep state lying on the floor with his hand on his fire truck. His favourite toy at the moment. The Italian grabbed his blanket and teddy and put the blanket round him and his teddy beside him and turned towards her girlfriend.

The sight broke Carinas heart. She could see clearly the hand prints round the blondes neck and by the look on her face she could tell Maya was having an unsettling sleep.

Wrapping herself round her girlfriend trying to give as much comfort as possible not wanting to wake her up, she kissed her temple and moved her hand to the blondes neck and softly rubbed her thumb over the coloured skin.

Lost in her mind she didn't notice Maya had stirred awake. Felling the ache in her neck increasing through out the night not wanting to get up Maya felt a slight bit of relief as she felt her love brushing over her bruises. Carinas touch no matter how soft she would always feel and it will always give her a sense of relief and security. Something both Carina and Maya felt with each other.

They were each other's home and safe place.

"Morning" Maya rasped out between her morning voice and he slightly swollen neck it was a deep rasp. Carina normally turned on by the raspyness of her voice winced as she heard it this morning. She put her finger on the blondes red lips to stop her saying more. Giving her a kiss on the lips filled with love she felt like every emotion was coming to the surface.

"Bella no don't talk. Please. You need to rest your voice" Carina croaked out the tears begging to fall. Maya noticed this of course and cupped the Italians cheek which sent the tears coming down one after the other. The captain brushing them away each time. Leaning in for another kiss. This one letting Carina know that everything will be okay. Especially when they are together.

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