Chapter 24

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'Come on Andy think.' Andy's mind went blank she couldn't think of what too say.

Maya sighed but asked again however her voice was more stern this time " What are you doing here?" Today wasn't supposed to go like this. Carina wasn't meant to be called in, Andy wasn't meant to show up uninvited. The trio were meant to have today and tomorrow off then they be back at work, back to their crazy schedules.

Maya was scheduled to work yesterday but once Chief Ripley found out what had happened to his Captain he said to take a week recover then come back. Miranda had said the same thing to Carina having witnessed the traumatic event too, plus she knew the trio would need some time to themselves. Bailey did say that if the hospital would get too crazy then they'd call her in but to just enjoy these next few days off.

"I'm sorry" the Latina finally spoke after 5 minutes of silence.

'Really all that time and all she comes up with is I'm sorry' Maya thought to herself.

"I'm sorry for not being there and being happy for you when you got Captain."

"Why now?" Maya really didn't want a pitty apology and considering what happened with Travis immediately changing his tune when he found out about Carina and Matteo. Plus she still remembers the team still talking about behind her back but being nice to her face even after they met her little boy.

Yes, she still wanted to know where she stood as that still had her in constant state of confusion.

"I...I d...don't know why but Maya" stuttered Andy as she stood up and made her way towards the blonde but stopped as she saw her best friend move back away from her. "I am so so sorry Maya. I am, no wait, I was hurt that my father and another man chose what they thought was best for me. I also have realised that I was wrong. I know that now. I know that you are an amazing Captain and that you do deserve to Captain. Looking back on a few calls I know I or Gibson even couldn't make some of those calls, they were tough ones but you made them and got us through our shifts successfully. I shouldn't have said that station 19 wasn't your home because it is. It is very much mine as it is yours. I'm ashamed that I have thrown our friendship away and for everything that I've said and done. I'm sorry. I'm so so sorry for everything I've said and I get that you might not forgive me but I will show you I will prove to you how sorry I am." By the time Andy had finished she was sobbing  reaching her hand over to Maya but the blonde Captain didn't move.

"I don't know what you want me to say. You hurt me Andy. I thought 19 was a family that we stood by each other. What would of happened if Jack got Captain would you have done the same would the team have said the same shit they said about me? Did you think even before you knew of Matteo and Carina that it was wrong?" Looking directly in her eyes Maya continued. Trying not to raise her voice as Matteo was sleeping down the hall. "I don't want a pity apology, so if your doing it for yourself you can take it and leave. I don't need it. I have never ever been happier in my life. I have the love of my life and a beautiful baby boy by my side which I never thought would happen but guess what. It did happen and yes, maybe I did take your job but honestly I don't care. It guaranties I come back home to them. I took it and took without a second thought so I could be safer for them. For them. For my family. Mayas voice was getting louder but the emotion that came out of her Andy had never seen before.

"You know how everyone writes a letter to their family's or to a loved one when they join up?" She questioned her voice wavering slightly. All Andy could do was nod with the tears still streaming down her face. "Well I never did one I didn't feel the need to do it but after my, I think second date with Carina, I wrote one. I felt the need to write one. I knew she'd be in my life and if... if anything... anything happened to me I needed her to know how much she meant to me." Sitting back down on the sofa, Andy turned to face in front of her, she couldn't look at her best friend.

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