Chapter 18

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Spaghetti dinner pt2

"Oh for the love of..." Maya said as she looked down at what was in her hand. It's was a piece of paper that was ripped off of a bigger piece with Emily's number on it. Sighing and slightly pissed off she just put the number in her pocket and looked out the window continuing to drive as her fellow firefighter was with the little boy in the back.

Victoria was still in her head. Just like what was going through Andy's head, she was having similar thoughts go through hers. 'Had Maya really changed? When did she change, we know she was with her mystery women before she got Captain?' She knew Maya was serious about this women whoever she may be but one question that she really wanted to know was 'who got Maya monogamy for the weak Bishop to settle down and change?' Before she would have taken the opportunity of someone flirting with her but the glances that Vic took at the two, her Captain had a bored look on her face almost annoyed. She did however crack a smile as she saw the way the blonde was comforting Matteo as he was watching the brunette helping his friend.

Another question came into her mind one that she was scared to know the answer too 'what happened to Maya for her to get the scar on her front and why didn't anyone know about it?' Okay yes Ben knew but Maya didn't take any days off she still came to work, she still was their captain, Vic didn't even notice that something was wrong with her friend or former friend she didn't know where they stood.

Maya was still out in the field with an injury she knew Maya wouldn't put them in anymore danger than they needed to be. Come to think of it there was a few days about a month ago were Maya was being overly cautious of a few scenes they were at. Watching the crowd a little bit more that usual. Could that have been around the time were she got the scar? Was she scared of someone?

Jumping out of her thoughts as the aid card door flew open and Dr Karev was waiting and ready.

Once they transferred Harrison over to the team of Doctors Maya and Vic walked towards the nurses station to fill out a bit of paperwork before heading back to the station.

"Well hello there Maya" one of the nurses said.

"Hi Sandra do you have the... ahh perfect thank you." Maya didn't even have to ask nurse Sandra had paper work waiting and ready for them.

"Hughes do you mind filling this out and double checking if we need to restock anything"

"Sure I can do that" handing over the paperwork to her firefighter she turned to look at Sandra again.

"I already know what your going to ask and yes she's free and yes she's in her office. She does however have an appointment in 15 minutes"

Mouthing thank you she left the ER and made her way to The OB floor in search for a certain Italian. Normally when visiting Maya would bring a coffee or lunch or if she knows Carina is having a rough day she takes in her favourite sweet treat. A mini tiramisu tray bake.

She found out about that the night/ morning she asked Acarina to be her girlfriend.


It was around the 1 month mark of their relationship  Carina was on her period, Matteo was having a sleepover with Zio Andrea. Carina had just came off of a 12 hour shift and as she was driving home she made a right turn instead of left taking her to Mayas apartment rather than her own.

This wasn't the first or the second time she had been at the lieutenants apartment. It wasn't the first time she had randomly shown up either.

Maya had had a busy shift the team felt like the never sat down for a break. The were also setting up a back sale for the local retirement home for the next day. So each firefighter has boxes of cakes, buns and a wide range or different desserts in their homes. Maya just so happen to have a few boxes of tiramisu tray bakes. Carina's favourite.

Maya and Carina: Alternate UniverseWhere stories live. Discover now